Help and Hope for WHS:

Life Community undertook a huge 'Pay It Forward' project for Western Heights on the last Saturday of the holidays. About 30 volunteers gave up their Saturday morning to spruce up our school.
Several of our staff - Mele, Julie Grant and Siala (and her two youngest boys) - are members of Life Church and were part of the crew.
Leo the builder and his offsiders worked from 8 am to 6:30 pm both Saturday and Sunday in order to finish their part of the project.
We owe them a huge debt of thanks!!
Western Heights has a major focus on Pay It Forward, with every class, every year undertaking a Pay It Forward project. For the tables to turn and us be the recipient was wonderful, heartening and humbling.
BEFORE Photos:
DURING Photos:
AFTER Photos:
Westill have more painting to do and a lot of other projects, but to have such a huge amount done in one weekend was amazing and has given our school a massive lift.