Imagine IT Conference:

On the last Thursday of the holidays, we hosted the Imaging IT Conference at Western Heights again.
Around 200 delegates from all over New Zealand attended in person and a couple of hundred more attended virtually.
As hosts, we were entitled to send our junior school staff for free, and 17 of our staff thus attended.
Annette and her team, our school, and our junior classrooms were the stars of the conference. Many attendees asked if there were jobs here and expressed their admiration for our exceptional school and staff.
My job was ensuring all the technology worked - especially for presenters and those not using Apple Mac tech. One teacher from Invercargill told me she had an issue where she couldn't get video to play on her classroom TV at normal speed if the sound was playing. It was playing at about 50x speed, and so was useless.
It took me a while, especially since it worked just fine at our school for her, but I sorted it out, and she sent an email last week saying her children had just watched Dr. Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech thanks to the fix.