Life Hacks:

Sahil Bloom’s Most Powerful Life Hacks - a series:
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.
Here are some short, timeless insights for simplifying your world—"hacks" for your life, careers, relationships, health, money, and more...
44. If an investment or financial opportunity seems too good to be true, assume it probably is. Remember: There's no such thing as a free lunch.
45. Create an automated direct deposit for a small amount of money into an investment account every month.
Never look at the account. Don't pay any attention to it. A $100 monthly investment in the NZX for the last 10 years would be worth ~$50,000 today. Let it compound.
46. Be frugal with yourself and generous with others.
Plant-in-a-Pot Landscaping Design
Ever wish you could reorganize your garden after seeing how the mature plants look?
Here’s a clever way to do it. You’ll need a bunch of pots of the same size so they’ll nest
in each other. Put your plants in doubled pots, and then bury them at ground level.
Whenever you want a change, lift out the top pot and put in a different one. This method
is also really slick for bringing plants indoors over the winter. This method is great for quickly changing out seasonal plants and allows for easy experimentation with the colour and placement of plants and flowers.
Dryer Lint Fire Starter
To properly build a fire, you need to have tinder (easy-lighting material), kindling (finger-size sticks) and fuel (logs). We all have a readily available supply of tinder: dryer lint! To make fire starters, I stuff empty toilet paper tubes with dryer lint. My dryer lint “logs” light quickly and easily burn long enough to light up the kindling. And I don’t have to resort to fire cubes!
Secret Cash Stash
“Sometimes I don’t want to carry my wallet around. At the beach, for example, when I
have to leave my belongings unattended while I go for a swim. But I still need cash on
hand for food, drinks, etc. So I turned an empty tube of lip balm into a secret cash stash.
You could do the same with an empty stick of sunscreen, too. A long nail works great for
digging out any remaining bits of lip balm, and a cotton swab wipes away any waxy
Not only is the tube small enough to fit in my pocket, but it’ll also fool any potential
thieves. I mean, who would steal someone’s used lip balm?”