Beaumaris Secondary College Newsletter

Belong. Believe. Become

Issue 8 · 06 Jun 2024

In this issue

Principal's Report
Key Dates New Dates
College/Year Level Captains' Report
Our Latest Facebook & Instagram Posts
Student Attendance Letter
Five Minutes with Mr Ardi What is your role at the school?, How long have you worked at Beaumaris?, Do you follow sport/AFL?, Favourite part of the job?, What's a great movie you’ve watched recently?, What animal would you like to be for a day?, What is your favourite music?, A recent favourite podcast? , What was the last book you read?, Who inspires you?, What was your favourite subject at school?, What would you sing at karaoke night?, What skill would you like to master?, Do you have a message for students you may teach in the coming years? , Do you collect anything?, If you were a superhero, what powers would you have?, Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life?
House Parkrun Results
Junior Science Olympiad Exams
Classics Club
Wellbeing Matters 5 Things You Can Do Right Now to Improve Digital Wellbeing in Your Home, Latest Body Image Stats for Young Australians, Community Mentors for Students
Careers & Pathways News  Dates to Diarise in Term 3, News from the Monash Business School, A Day in the Life of a Swinburne TAFE Student, Career as Prosthetists/Orthotists, Bachelor of Dermal Sciences, Ahead of the Seam: Design, Illustrate, Create Workshop, Electrical Engineering Degrees in Victoria in 2024, Mechanical Engineering Degrees in Victoria in 2024   , Snapshot of Charles Sturt University (CSU) in 2024
Music News More Young Talents on the Airwaves!, Ensemble Soiree
Sports News  State Softball Champions
Y8 Healthy Lifestyles
VCE Vocational Major
VCE Product Design & Technologies
Student Success Henry D (Year 9) & Ashton C (Year 10), Celia S (Year 11)
Webinars about more options for your child in Years 10 to 12 About the VCE Vocational Major, About the Victorian Pathways Certificate, About VET for school students, About career education in government schools
Parents' Association News Meetings, Upcoming Events, Feedback
Join the Push-Up Challenge 2024! Join the Push-Up Challenge to Raise Money for HeadSpace
Parliament Prize 2024
BSC Astronomy Night Witness our solar system and beyond!
Art Show
In the Community Winter Solstice Party, Bayside City Council Winter School Holiday Activities
Second-hand Textbooks & Uniforms
College Information College Phone Number , Email Contacts, Office Hours, Reserve Road Car Park, Session Times, Compass User Guide, Reporting Absences, Late Arrivals and Early Departures, Permission for Independent Departures, Lost Property, Canteen, BSC Website, BSC Facebook & Instagram, Acknowledgment of Country

Published by Beaumaris Secondary College