Join the Push-Up Challenge 2024!

Join the Push-Up Challenge to Raise Money for HeadSpace

The link to join this year's Push-Up Challenge in now live! As with last year, the aim of the Push-Up Challenge is to raise awareness and money to support mental health and suicide prevention. This year we will be raising money for HeadSpace, who do fantastic work in supporting young people both at BSC and around the country. 


We would love to have you join our Beaumaris Secondary College team with the link below. 


The Push-Up challenge encourages people to aim to do 3144 push ups in the month of June, which is one push-up for every life lost to suicide in 2021 in Australia. You can absolutely set your own targets though and do half this number or an exercise of your choice instead of push-ups if you prefer.


You can also find general info about the challenge here: The Push-Up Challenge : Home (


Mr Travis de Valle
