The Collective

Term 2, Week 7 · 30 May 2024

In this issue

Principal's Message
Giving Day - 5 June!  Our 2024 Giving Day Goal, Volunteer in the Giving Hub!, Where do your donations go?
Upcoming Events Experience Day - Year 7 2025 - tomorrow!, Giving Day, Clayfield on Tour, Futures Expo, Holiday Sports Camp, On the Green, Sports Celebration Dinner - Save the Date
Week 7 Photo Gallery Primary School Playground Opening, P&F Primary School Disco, Medieval Fayre (Year 8), QGSSSA Reconciliation Round, Andrews Cup Netball, Arts Day, All Hallows' All Girls' Maths Competition 
Captains' Corner
Primary News Leopard Terrace Playground Opening!, Playgrounds Outside School Hours, Circular Drive Procedures, Experience Day (Year 6 only), Primary Gallery Walks (Week 8 and Week 9), Gibson House Free Dress Fundraiser – Drought Angels , Canberra Tour, Pre-Prep  Parent/Teacher Interviews and Prep to Year 6 Student/Teacher/Parent Conferences, Lost Property, Holiday Sports Camp , External Co-Curricular Activities - Term 3 Code Camp Club (Years 3 to 6), Upcoming Events
Secondary News Year 8 Outdoor Education Camp, Winter Uniform - Badges and Blazers, Counting down to the Futures Expo!, Elevate Education, Gibson House Free Dress Fundraiser – Drought Angels, Upcoming Events
Boarding News Clayfield on Tour, Boarders’ Item, End of Term, What’s Happening this Weekend
The Arts News Private Instrumental and Vocal Tuition, Arts Day, Dance 
Sports News Secondary Sport, Student Highlight, Primary Sport, Interhouse Cross Country Carnival Reminder (Prep to Year 1), Holiday Sports Camp, 2024 Australian Swimming Trials , Sports Celebration Dinner
College Notices No Parking/Access - Gate 5, Counting down to the Futures Expo!, Message from the Enrolments Team, Uniform Shop News, Holiday Sports Camp , Winter Holidays Code Camp ON SALE NOW

Published by Clayfield College