Captains' Corner

Kiki Bell and Mani Yung, Academic Captains 

 A busy week of Exam Block has just concluded, and we hope you are proud of the efforts and hard work you put into your exam preparation. Now, it's time to take a short break and then continue moving forward. The end of exams marks a significant milestone in the academic year, offering an opportunity to reflect on the journey, celebrate achievements, and consider ways to improve for future assessments. Over the past weeks, we have shared tips on assignments and study strategies. Today, we would like to discuss post-exam activities.


Preparing for exams can be demanding and exhausting, so now is the time to de-stress and recover. Ensure you get adequate sleep and consume nutritious meals to restore your energy levels and gain motivation for the next steps. Additionally, reconnect with hobbies and activities that you may have put on hold during the exam period. This can help rejuvenate and bring a sense of normalcy back to your routine.


However, there are still a few weeks left in the term, so it’s important not to get complacent. Start thinking about your future academic aspirations and reflect on your exams. The first step is to plan ahead. Whether it's preparing for the next term, considering future courses, or planning for college applications, having a plan can help you stay focused and motivated. Furthermore, keeping your notes and study materials organised will make future revisions easier.


We are also organising Peer Mentoring sessions for students who have signed up. Parents and students will soon receive an email about the assigned mentor. Mentoring sessions will be arranged between mentors and students, providing greater flexibility in scheduling. This is an excellent opportunity for students to seek help from our Year 11s and seniors while appreciating their willingness to give of their personal time. Let’s continue to strive for excellence together and let our light shine. 


We are so proud of you, enjoy the rest of your term!