Primary News

Mrs Audrey Fellowes - Deputy Principal/Head of Primary

Leopard Terrace Playground Opening!

Featuring the Treetops Play Structure 

Leopard Terrace/Treetops Playground will be opening for play to all students next week. 


This week we implemented a ‘soft’ opening for each class to visit and learn to play on the equipment safely. The underground tunnel and grass hill remains closed, due to some minor modifications being carried out which will be completed by the end of this week. Staff have discussed the new play equipment with students with the understanding of ‘playing safely’ and the rules that apply to the new equipment.  


Please see below the Treetops Essential Agreement which was co-constructed with the students during House Meetings. 


It has been joyful to hear the squeals of delight as the children slid down the slides and happily discovered the different levels and intricate parts to the Treetops Playground.  


As mentioned in previous correspondence – Leopard Terrace/Treetops Playground is completely out of bounds before and after school. Palm Grove and the Amphitheatre are open for play from 8:00am - 8:25am. 


Playgrounds Outside School Hours

Outside school hours (before 8:00am and after 3:10pm), the College playgrounds are closed. There are no staff on duty and Children’s First (the After Care Providers), use the Palm Grove playground after school. Leopard Terrace/Treetops Playground will be open for play at Morning Tea and Lunch only, when staff of the College are there to supervise. There will be extra staff on duty with the addition of the new equipment. Thank you for your close attention to this, as we aim to keep all students safe whilst on the College campus. 

Circular Drive Procedures

 During the Circular Drive pick-up process, the safety of our students and staff is critical and therefore we kindly ask you to review the following. 


At the conclusion of the day, staff will bring students down to Circular Drive from 3:05pm (Prep - Year 2) and 3:15pm (Years 3 - 6). Pre-Prep students can be collected from their classroom between 2:30pm and 3:00pm. Students in Years 5 to 6 may be collected at Circular Drive if they have younger siblings. Otherwise, they may be collected from Bayview Terrace. Students in Year 4 may be collected from Bayview Terrace if they have an older sibling. If you are collecting your child in Years 3 to 6, please do not come to Circular Drive before 3:15pm as they will not be there, and you will be asked to circle the block to keep the line moving.  


To assist us with the efficiency of Circular Drive pickup in the afternoon, we respectfully request the following: 

  • Follow the direction of staff. 
  • Continue to drive forward to the furthest available park. 
  • Remain in your car until your child has been sent to you.  Do not leave your car at any time whilst you are in the Circular Car Line. There have been instances where cars have rolled whilst children are walking to their cars. 
  • If you are using this service, students must be independent in buckling their seat belts, without your assistance. The staff on duty will help any child into the car if needed. If you are eager for your child to use this facility, the buckling of the seat belt is a wonderful teaching moment. 
  • If your child has not yet arrived for collection, you must turn left out of Circular Drive and drive around the block to re-enter the Circular Drive queue. 

Experience Day (Year 6 only)


We look forward to hosting our 2025 CLAYFIELD SEVENS at the Clayfield Experience Day this Friday, with a full day of fun and interactive Secondary School experiences planned.

Primary Gallery Walks (Week 8 and Week 9)

As communicated at the start of the term, Primary Gallery Walks are scheduled for Week 8 and Week 9. We look forward to welcoming parents/caregivers.  Please refer to the calendar and teacher’s communication for information. 

Gibson House Free Dress Fundraiser – Drought Angels 

On Thursday 13 June, Gibson House invites you to dress like a farmer to support the Drought Angels. As a convenience to our families, we would like you to donate to our charities collectively. We have therefore set up this payment link for you, giving you one less thing to remember to bring into school for Dress Up Days.


Please click on the link below and navigate to College Tours, Excursions and Activities, then House Fundraisers 2024. There is a $2 contribution per fundraiser ($12 in total).


Canberra Tour

Please refer to the communication was emailed to parents/caregivers on Tuesday 28 May. 

Pre-Prep  Parent/Teacher Interviews and Prep to Year 6 Student/Teacher/Parent Conferences

Week 1Pre-PrepPre-Prep Classroom

Tuesday 9 July | 3:30pm to 7:00pm

Wednesday 10 July | 3:30pm to 5:30pm 

Thursday 11 July | 3:30pm to 7:00pm


 Prep to Year 6 Core Classrooms

Tuesday 9 July | 3:30pm to 7:00pm

Thursday 11 July | 3:30pm to 7:00pm


Week 2Year 1WCore Classroom 

Tuesday 16 July to Thursday 18 July


Refer to communication sent on 27 May. 


Week 6Prep KCore Classroom 

Tuesday 13 August and Thursday 15 August 


Refer to communication sent on 27 May.


Important Update for Bookings in Parent Lounge: 


Due to system requirements, the booking system will not be available on Friday 31 May as previously communicated. The new booking date will be advised shortly.  

Lost Property

 On Monday 10 June and Tuesday 11 June, a table will be setup outside the Primary Admin Office between 8:00am – 8:30am and 2:30pm – 3:30pm for unnamed lost property items to be claimed.  


Unclaimed items will be redistributed at the end of Term 2. 


Reminder: please clearly name (full name or name and surname initial is helpful) all items, so that lost items can be returned to their owner promptly. 

Holiday Sports Camp 

Refer to Upcoming Events page for more information, including how to register.

External Co-Curricular Activities - Term 3 Code Camp Club (Years 3 to 6)

In Term 3, we will be offering a Code Camp Design Club for students in Years 3 to 6, after school on Mondays from 3:25pm – 4:40pm. Please follow the booking link for details on how to sign up and pay. 


Book before 14 June for a $15 discount, using the Early Bird Discount Code EBT3AS.

Upcoming Events

31 MayYear 7 2025 Experience Day (advancing Year 6 students)
5 JuneFoundation Giving Day Appeal
7 JunePrep and Year 1 Cross Country 
11 JunePrimary Interhouse Athletics
13 June

Gibson House Free Dress Fundraiser (Prep to Year 12)

End of Term 2