Cecil Hills High School Newsletter
Issue 7 · 02 Aug 2019
In this issue
Our great school community
School Development Day, New Enrolment Policy, Student Success, Staff appointments, P&C Meetings
Subject Selection Expo Evening - Year 8 and Year 10
Year 8 , Year 10, Year 10 interviews
Engaging opportunities in creative arts for Year 7
Our Music classes, Visual Arts , National Gallery excursion, Don't miss our Creative and Performing Arts Showcase
Learning new skills
From classroom to work
Empowering young people to lead change
Project Rockit
Where are they now?
A little about me, My time at school, The start of my journey, After school, My dream came true, My best piece of advice
Sports Shorts
Oztag Gala Day, Football, NSW All Schools Cross Country Championships, Futsal
Meet our leaders
Year 11 studying ecosystems
Year 11 Earth and Environmental Studies, Year 11 Biology
In our Community
BYOD, Helping Learner Drivers, Does your child seem worried or stressed?, Positive Parenting Program
Important dates
Published by Cecil Hills High School