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International Student Information
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International Student Information
Information may be subject to change without notice
03 Oct 2022
In this issue
1.1 Principal's Welcome
A warm welcome to you, our newest Lyndale Secondary College student.
1.2 About Lyndale Secondary College
1.3 Important Information & Emergency Contacts
Lyndale Secondary College Contact Details, School Principal, International Student Coordinator, Emergency Telephone Numbers, Transport, Public Facilities
1.4 Application Step by Step Process Model
1.5 Things to Do Checklist
2.1 Introduction to Melbourne, Australia
Introducing Australia, Introducing Melbourne
2.2 Arranging Visas
Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC), Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), Migration Agents, Education Agents, Visa Conditions
2.3 Arranging Travel
Documents, What to Bring, Seasonal Considerations, Clothing and items to bring, Bringing Your Computer, Mobile Phones and Laptops, On Your Flight, Entry into Australia, Australian Immigration, Baggage Claim, Detector Dogs, Australian Customs and Quarantine, Arrivals Hall
2.4 Keeping in Contact
2.5 Accessing Money
How Much to Bring, Currency Exchange, Electronic Transfer, ATMs, Credit Cards
2.6 Arranging Accommodation
Temporary Accommodation, Hotels, Motels & Backpackers , Staying with Friends or Family
3.1 Living in Melbourne
Weather and Seasons, Time Zones, Lifestyle
3.2 Types of accommodation
Homestay, Staying with relatives, Rental accommodation, Where to Look for Accommodation:
3.3 Renting in Australia
Things to Keep in Mind when Renting , Security Deposits/Bond, Signing a Lease, Inspection of Property, Utilities, Restrictions, Inspecting a Potential Property, Housekeeping – Homestay and rental accommodation, Kitchen: Stoves and Ovens, Disposal of Rubbish, Cleaning the Kitchen, Cleaning the Bathroom, Cleaning Floors, Cleaning Products, Maintenance: Fixtures and Fittings, Smoke Alarms, Where Can I Get Help?
3.4 Services: Where can I get help?
Telephones , Emergencies – Dial 000 , Emergency services are detailed below, including local branches and phone numbers. , Police, Fire, Ambulance, State Emergency Service, Public Telephones, Making Phone Calls within Australia, ( Dial – international access code (0011) + the country code + the area code (if required and without any beginning 0) + phone number , Calling Australia from Overseas, Mobile Phones, Computer and Internet Access , Australia Post, Envelope Layout
3.5 Getting around
Public Transport , Taxis and Uber, Driving , Bicycles , Shopping, Where to Shop, Business Hours , Bargaining/Haggling, Purchasing an Item
3.6 Health care and medical services
Lifeline, Poisons Information Line, How do I get OSHC? , How do I use my OSHC card? , Types of Health Care in Australia, Public System, Private System, Attending an Australian Hospital, General Practitioners (GPs), What do I do if I’m sick? , Seeing a Doctor , Public Hospital Waiting Times, Pharmacies, Prescription Medication, Over-the-Counter Medication, Dental and Optical, Interpreter Services, General Health, Mental Health, Physical Health , Smoking, Drugs
3.7 Managing finances
Initial expenses, Periodic expenses, Ongoing expenses, Setting up a Bank Account, Banking Hours, Bank Fees, Accessing Money from My Account , ATMs (Automatic Telling Machines), EFTPOS, Telephone Banking , Internet Banking , Over-the-Counter Service , Paying Bills , Account Statements , Using an ATM, Safety When Carrying Money
3.8 Working in Australia
Permission to Work , Working While Studying, Finding Work, Earning an Income, Taxes, Getting a Tax File Number, Taxation Returns, Superannuation
3.9 Laws and Safety in Australia
Obeying the Law, Child Protection Laws, Home Security, Some General Security Tips:, Contents Insurance, Internet Safety and Security, Internet Access on Arrival, Personal Safety , Public Transport Safety, Road Rules , Avoiding Dangerous Areas and Activities , Making New Friends
3.10 Social Activities
What is Schoolies Week?
4.1 Adjusting to life in Australia
Culture shock, Overcoming Culture Shock
4.2 Australian Culture
Social Customs, Greeting People, Clothing Customs, Polite Behaviour, Australian Slang, Responding to an Invitation, Tipping
4.3 Public Holidays & Special Celebrations
New Year, Australia Day, Easter, Easter Traditions, Anzac Day, Labor Day, Queen’s Birthday, Melbourne Cup Day, Christmas
4.4 Sports and Recreation
AFL, http://www.vafa.com.au/ http://www.afl.com.au/, Cricket, http://www.playcricket.com.au/ http://www.cricket.com.au/, Tennis, http://www.tennis.com.au/play/coaching, Netball, http://netball.com.au/, Basketball, http://basketballvictoria.com.au/, Badminton, http://bv.feel-inspired.com/, Table tennis, https://www.tabletennisvic.org.au/home/, Soccer, http://www.vicsoccer.com/, Rugby, http://www.clubsofaustralia.com.au/Rugby/Clubs-in-Victoria.html, Swimming, https://vic.swimming.org.au/, Martial arts, http://www.clubsofaustralia.com.au/Martial-Arts/Clubs-in-Victoria/50/0.html
4.5 Clubs and Organisations
4.6 Entertainment and eating out
4.7 Religion and Faith
4.8 Where to find out what's going on
4.9 Safety and First aid in Australia
Home Fire Safety , Plan Your Escape, Sun Safety , Beach Safety , Remember the F-L-A-G-S and Stay Safe , The Surf Environment, Bush & Outback Safety, Storm Safety, Dangerous Animals & Plants , Anaphylaxis – allergic reactions, General First Aid for Bites and Stings, For all other bites and stings: Seek or apply basic first aid.
5.1 To begin
Arrive early, What to Do First, International Student Orientation, English Language Centre (ELC) Orientation, College Values and Student Behaviour, International Student Visa Conditions
5.2 College Bell Times
5.3 Student Administration Information
Paying Fees, ID Cards, Textbooks
5.4 Student Support Services
International Student Office and ELC, Key Personnel, Sub-schools and Year Level Managers, Wellbeing, Key Personnel: , Careers Counselling, Key Personnel: , School library, Key Personnel
5.5 Quick Guide to Key Personnel
I WANT TO:, I CAN SPEAK TO:, Ask questions about contents of units, teaching procedures and assessment, The teacher of the relevant subject, Ask questions about the program as a whole, academic regulations, difficulties with study, decisions to defer from study, The course coordinator, Speak to someone about moving from the ELC to mainstream classes, The ELC coordinator, Talk to someone about my Homestay arrangements, textbooks, classes or other issues where you do not know where to go, The International Student Coordinator, Talk to someone because of visa problems, financial difficulty or accommodation issues, Tell someone my change of address, phone number or parents/guardians correct email address., Talk about my future career and which subjects I should choose, The career counsellors, Sign in because I have arrived to school late, The middle school or senior school office, Talk to someone because I’m not wearing the correct uniform or I have trouble getting to class on time, ELC students – The ELC Coordinator, Mainstream students – Your Year Level Manager, Talk to someone because of timetable problems or issues with course content, Ask questions about borrowing form the library or using library resources, Any of the library staff members, Talk to someone because I have an issue/issues which are affecting my studies in a bad way, A member of staff you feel comfortable with, Receive help because I feel ill, have received an injury, or do not feel safe for any reason, Your class teacher or any teacher on yard duty at recess/lunch
5.6 Campus & Facilities
Facilities, West Wing Kitchen and Cafeteria, International Student Homework Program, Free Tutoring and College Homework Program, International Student Badminton Club and Sport Clubs, Lockers, Your school diary and homework
5.7 Timetables
Compass – School Management System
5.8 School uniform
All student must wear full and proper college uniform, for the following reasons:
5.9 Academic Support and Expectations
Learning in Australia, Keys to Academic Success, Plagiarism, English Language Support
5.10 Assessment and Reports
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