5.1 To begin

Arrive early
Welcome to Lyndale Secondary College. It’s your first day and feeling nervous and even a little scared is perfectly natural. Reading through parts of this booklet, especially this section, will make you feel more prepared. Many people have worked hard to make sure you feel as comfortable as possible when starting at Lyndale.
Arriving early means you will not miss any of the important information on your first day. There may also be other new international students on their first day. Making a new friend before your orientation begins is a great way to make it easier. You can share your concerns or worries and support each other in sharing information.
What to Do First
On your first day, just report to the front office. If you’re not sure where that is, refer to the map enclosed in this section. From the reception area, a member of staff will collect you and you will begin your orientation program. Everything will seem new and different to start with, but by the end of your first week you will feel at home. Furthermore, once you are concentrating on your studies, you will feel less stressed because you will already comfortable with the institution, its staff and its services.
International Student Orientation
Your student orientation is where you begin to become familiar with the college. All the information is delivered in English, but interpreters and older students who speak your language will be there to help you understand.
In your orientation you will:
- Meet and talk to important people you will need to know at the institution.
- College Principal and Assistant Principals
- International Office Coordinator
- English Language Centre Coordinator
- Career Counselling staff
- Wellbeing staff
- School captains and International Student captain
- Discuss how and when you will get your college uniform, student card, multi-lingual dictionary, stationery, and anything else you will need for your studies.
- Find your way around the campus
- Library and classrooms
- ICT (computer) office and staff
- International student kitchen and cafeteria
- The English Language Centre
- Year level offices
- Participate in some ‘getting to know you’ activities with your orientation group
- Begin to look at and use some important computer sites, where you can find your timetable, classes, homework and teacher information.
English Language Centre (ELC) Orientation
Much like your first main orientation on your first day, if you are an International Student who will be undertaking an Intensive English course for at least 20 weeks within Lyndale’s English Language Centre, you will also have an ELC orientation. This is when you will meet your ELC teacher (who will teach you most of the time), and undergo a placement test to find out your current English level.
Try not to think of this placement test as a classroom test – there is no ‘pass’ or ‘fail’. The ELC coordinator will explain the test to you and provide lots of time for you to complete it. All you need to do is try your best and don’t be frightened of making mistakes. If you are unsure about what to do at any stage, ask the teacher present. They will not be able to give you any answers, however.
College Values and Student Behaviour
International students make up an important part of our college community as they contribute much to our college culture. Lyndale Secondary College also takes student safety and wellbeing very seriously. The College has the school values of:
- Responsibility
- Respect
- Honesty
- Integrity
College expectations and guidelines are built to uphold these values and ensure every person in the Lyndale learning community is treated equally. When a breach of school rules occurs, there are always consequences. Details of rules will be provided at orientation session, but some major expectations are:
- No smoking on college grounds, while in uniform or on excursions/camps
- Aside from prescribed medication, using, carrying on under the influence of drugs will not be tolerated
- Students are not to leave college grounds during school times unless finished for the day
- Students will follow all reasonable Homestay expectations, respecting the Homestay family and their property, which means cleaning up after themselves
- Students will not utilise their mobile phone for any purpose in class time. A multi-lingual dictionary, electronic dictionary or online dictionary may be used to look up new vocabulary. Phones should not be seen during class times.
- Students are expected to be on time and ready to learn to all classes
- Students must wear correct and complete uniform each day at school
- Students must not engage in or encourage any activity which makes any other college community member feel unsafe, uncomfortable or in danger.
- Students must maintain an attendance rate above 90% for all subjects. Falling below this both carries consequences and could result in the cancellation of your visa.
- Students must give their full effort in their study. Distractions such as sleeping in class and playing computer games is absolutely prohibited and carry heavy consequences.
International Student Visa Conditions
For a full list of mandatory and discretionary student visa conditions please visit