1.1 Principal's Welcome

A warm welcome to you, our newest Lyndale Secondary College student.
It is an honour and indeed a privilege to be the Principal of this College.
Lyndale Secondary College’s students, teachers and parents make up a culturally diverse learning community. Respect and trust are fundamental to learning, personal growth and quality relationships. By putting these qualities into practice, students and staff ensure that together we achieve success. We confidently believe that high expectations empower students to be responsible for their own behaviour and learning.
Lyndale is a student-centred college environment and our students are encouraged to take some of the many opportunities offered to participate in extra-curricular activities. Our college community have high expectations of our students in performance, attendance and behaviour and our excellent results in all these areas are a reflection of our commitment. To ensure that our students reach their full potential we provide extensive student support services that focus on course and careers planning and student welfare support.
Choosing a school can be one of the most challenging and difficult decisions a parent needs to make, as it really is an investment in your children’s future. A school should offer an abundance of opportunities for students to explore, experience, learn, find their strengths and to become the very best person they can.
My philosophy as a Principal is that if we as a college can move each student towards a successful and meaningful future, irrespective of where or what that might be, then as a team of educators, we have fulfilled our responsibilities.
Living and studying abroad can be a daunting experience but the experienced staff at Lyndale know how to make you feel comfortable and maximise your learning potential. With a culturally diverse college community, we value the contribution international students make and work to ensure academic and personal growth. In the same way, the college strives to ensure that a high standard of homestay accommodation is maintained and parents/guardians are kept up to date of their child’s progress and wellbeing.
The college prides itself on its wide curriculum and co-curriculum offerings, which allows each student to tailor a study program that suits their career pathway and interests. With over 1000 students attending the college, we have a large range of support services and high expectations on learning and behaviour. Lyndale students learn to take responsibility for their learning and resilience in life. Moreover, a majority of Lyndale’s students gain acceptance into their chosen university or TAFE college.
For international students who require more support with their English before they enter into their chosen program of study, enrolment into Lyndale English Language Centre (ELC) is advised. Here, expert teachers guide students through an intensive English language program for at least 20 weeks in preparation for study in mainstream classes.
So enjoy your time at Lyndale. It will be memorable.
Pam Robinson - Principal of Lyndale Secondary College