5.4 Student Support Services

International Student Office and ELC
This is an important place in the college where you can find the International Student Coordinator, the ELC Coordinator, ELC teachers and bilingual educational support staff (interpreters). If you have any questions and do not know where to go or who to ask, there is always someone here who can help you.
If you are beginning your time in the ELC, your classrooms are very close to the International Student Office. Additionally, a kitchen, a dining space and a food/drink-free relaxation area is available for use for international students at lunch time
Key Personnel
International Student Coordinator: Mr Chuc Hua
Lyndale English Language Centre Coordinator: Mrs Maria Okoumousis
Sub-schools and Year Level Managers
Lyndale Secondary College has two sub-schools – the middle school (years 7, 8 and 9), and the senior school (years 10, 11 and 12). Each sub-school has a manager, and each year level has a manager. Their job is to ensure that every student is safe and comfortable, is doing their best and following the school rules. In summary, they oversee student engagement in learning. They also organise an assembly program which covers a wide range of topics ranging from improving social skills, to future careers, to improving your time management skills.
If you are in years 7, 8 or 9, the middle school office is where you will go to sign in if you are late to school, or if you have any issues you are concerned about, such as uniform or trouble with other college community members. This office is located in the main building in the B wing.
Key Personnel are located in the Junior School Office.
If you are in years 10, 11 or 12, the senior school office is where you will go to sign in if you are late to school, or if you have any issues you are concerned about, such as uniform or trouble with other college community members. This office is located in the Senior Studies Wing of the college, near the open study area.
Key Personnel are located in the Senior School Office.
If you are studying in the ELC, regardless of which year level you are or will be, your manager is the ELC Coordinator. In this way, you are not overwhelmed with having to remember many (probably foreign-sounding) names. If there is a serious issue impeding on any students’ ability to feel safe or study properly, the ELC Coordinator will refer to the Year Level Managers, who may speak to you directly.
Lyndale Secondary College is committed to providing a safe and caring learning environment for all members of its community. Student are encouraged and supported to take responsibility for the wellbeing and all teachers have a duty of care in this area. If a student has a concern in regards to their wellbeing, their first point of call is one of their class teachers that they feel comfortable with.
The student wellbeing department is a more specialised student support service. Staff members here provide a range of services to support students who are experiencing serious challenges in their lives which negatively impact their resilience and their education. These might include poor academic performance, social-emotional issues, difficult peer relationships, financial difficulties, conflict resolution, health concerns and other concerns related to learning and study. The wellbeing team provide a number of services to support both individual and group of students.
Most international students will meet members from the wellbeing team on the first day of school, as they run a large proportion of the orientation program.
Key Personnel:
Wellbeing Coordinator: Ms Ana Finlay
School nurse: Ms Alanna Pawliw
Careers Counselling
The careers office, located in the Senior Studies Wing is open every day for students, including recess and lunch times. Students can use the resources in the careers office or discuss issues relating to future directions with the staff there. Future directions include attending university, TAFE (college), doing an apprenticeship or future/current employment. They are the best people to talk to find out which subject you should choose each year to put you on the right track for what career you wish to have later in life.
Key Personnel:
Careers counsellor: Ms Phuong Pham
Careers counsellor: Ms Jennifer Fagarasan
School library
The library is open every school day from 8:00am to 4:00pm, with the exception of recess time. No food or drink is allowed in the library. Books, CDs, DVDs and other resources are available for students to borrow for two weeks (up to 4 books for middle school; up to 6 books for senior school). You may also print or photocopy work in the school library.
Key Personnel
Library manager: Ms Mary Koutras
Librarian: Ms Sharon Van Der Werf