Corpus Christi School Newsletter
Our Vision Statement In seeking what is true, beautiful and good, we strive to build a Catholic School Community where each is given time and support in learning to know, to do, to live together and to be. SOLI DEO For God Alone Corpus Christi School is a Child Safe School. We promote, the safety, wellbeing and inclusion of all children.
Issue 36 · 02 Dec 2020
In this issue
Religious Education and Social Justice
Preparing for the Season of Advent
From the Principal's Desk
School Operations, Celebrations & Gatherings, Sacrament of Confirmation, Transition Program, Kinder Visits, School Fees and Levies, Planning Days, Uniform Orders, Please remember that all students will be finishing at 3:30 pm as of next Monday 7th December
Learning and Teaching
What's happening in our Learning Communities - Year 1 and 2
Student Well-being
Born to Shine Program
e-Learning News
New Tech coming in for Christmas? Some tips for Santa! , Learn your way around, Setting-up your tablets in advance, For mobile phones, Top tips for phones or tablets over the holidays
Diary Dates
Parent Partnerships
Building deep emotional connections with kids, How emotional connection works, How to give emotional feedback that connects, Feed back the positive emotions too
Awards and Celebrations
Birthdays , Student of the Week
Community News
St Aloysius Goes Co-Educational, Emmanuel College Update
Published by Corpus Christi School