Community News

St Aloysius Goes Co-Educational
Emmanuel College Update
This is our second last communication to you for the year as this unusual year begins to wind down. While we are approaching the closure of the school year there is still lots going on at Emmanuel. Students are completing exams and undertaking Headstart classes to prepare them for next year. The Year 12s are getting ready for their graduation, which will look very different this year, but, has been really well embraced by students, families and staff. Teaching staff are already looking towards the planning of next year’s curriculum.
As one group are coming to the end of their time at the College, we are excited about the next group to join us. Orientation will look a bit different for next year’s Year 7s this time too, with a video link to be sent to schools and families in early December, followed by an Orientation Day style event in January next year. Letters have been sent to families already about this.
Then of course we are also working on finalizing our lists for Year 7, 2022. Offers were sent to families last Tuesday by email and acceptance of those offers needs to occur prior to 1 December, 2020. If there are any questions about this, please contact Ms Jenny Hendricks on 8325 5100 or at