NGSC Newsletter

Issue 3 · 24 Mar 2022

In this issue

PRINCIPAL'S REPORT 2022 Key Dates, Grade 6 Parent Information Evening, Open Night: Prospective parents for 2023 , 2022 Harmony celebrations at NGSC , Annual Report 2021, 2022 Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) , International Women’s Day Celebration, 8 March 2022, Personal Property brought to school, Student Appearance , Privacy Reminder to all Parents/Carers, School Zone Speed Limits, Last Day of Term 1, Friday 8 April , Term 2 begins on Tuesday 26 April 2022
ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS’ REPORT ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS, Compass changes, Progress Reports, Parent /Teacher Conferences, Behavioural Improvements, Positive Rewards Morning Tea, INFORMATION EVENING, PRIMARY SCHOOL VISITS, Student Leadership Conference, Public Speaking Training (BBBH), BE BOLD BE HEARD FORUM , AFL ROOKIE ME TESTING, 1 APRIL
MIDDLE SCHOOL NEWS Launching into Year 9 Incursion Day, Parent /Teacher Conferences - Progress Reports, Athletics Day, SWPBS
SENIOR SCHOOL NEWS Reports and Parent/Teacher Interviews, International Women’s Day, Athletics Day 
VCAL VIBES Student Reflections following Presentation from Chris Van Ingen to VCAL Students
CAREERS NEWS 2021 Careers and Pathways Team, Some Great Information Regarding Applying for an Apprenticeship or Traineeship
STUDENT WELLBEING Young Carers Scholarship Program 2022, Parent Education Events, Financial Assistance , Doctors in Schools, Financial Assistance, Uniting Barwon No Interest Loans, Good Shepherd No Interest Loans, Student Wellbeing Hub Services, Support Contacts, Breakfast Club , Lunch Time Social Groups, Student Health and Wellbeing, Accessing  Centrelink, Food Assistance
ALUMNI NEWS Alumni help students ‘Launch into Year 9’
COMMUNITY NEWS Get Active Kids Voucher Program, Young Carers Peer Support, Gaming and Gambling in Young People, Junior Football and Netball, Second Hand Uniforms, COVID-19 VACCINATIONS, Vaccinations now available at Community Care Chemist, Could $500 Help You With High School Costs?, Local Support Services, Barwon Health Immunisation Centres and Hours
VSL SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES Victorian School of Languages

Published by North Geelong Secondary College