Adam Bond
Junior Sub School Manager
As we enter the last part of Term 1 both Year 7 and Year 8 students are starting to settle back into a routine that is unfamiliar to many given the lack of routines in the last two years! Our focus for the term to date has been on understanding our school expectations and processes as well as developing our organisational skills.
As we head towards the holiday, it is important that students still maintain some routines such as healthy sleeping and eating habits as well as keeping the brain turning over through undertaking short reading and writing activities. It is amazing the impact a couple of weeks off has on both our cognitive development, ability to focus and fine motor skills. Such skills are not developed through the overuse of PlayStations and Xboxes!
Can I also suggest that you, if you have not already, start conversations with your children about social media. In particular, their use and how they interact with others. How we treat others both in-person and online will be a focus of the Junior Sub School in Term 2.
Look after yourself and those around you.