Darcy Cropp
Assistant Year 12 Coordinator
Reports and Parent/Teacher Interviews
We are approaching our second round of progress reports and students and their families will have had an opportunity to look at feedback provided by teachers in time for Parent/Teacher Interviews. Teachers are looking forward to having conversations with students and parents, providing further feedback about student progress in both their learning and attitudes towards learning.
The Principal’s lunch, that acknowledges academic success and progress, will be held again next week and we look forward to celebrating with students who are working hard to achieve their goals.
VCAL students are busy developing projects and activities to meet outcomes. This Friday is Epilepsy awareness day and senior students have been planning fundraising activities, including a whole school casual clothes day.
International Women’s Day
The school captains, and two recipients of the Soroptimist scholarships, attended the Soroptimist International Women’s Day Breakfast, and were privileged to hear Barwon CEO Frances Diver speak about the increasing leadership roles of women in the Health Industry, especially during the recent pandemic.
Athletics Day
Senior students are encouraged to dress in House colours and show leadership to younger students by participating in events. The staff student relays are always fun and senior students look forward to the competition.
Well done to all students for a positive start to 2022. Transitioning back to face to face has often being tiring and students have again shown resilience and support.