Cranbourne South Primary School

Our school endeavours to empower teachers, students and community members to embrace learning, achieve their personal best and strengthen emotional, social and physical wellbeing.

Issue #4, 2020 · 19 Mar 2020

In this issue

Principal News Hygiene Safety, School Events , Transition to Remote Learning, Child Safe , Assistant Principal notification, upcoming leave 
Education News  Transition to Remote Learning, Writing at CSPS, Guided Inquiry in the Middle School, Foundation News
Maths @ CSPS Using Mathletics at Home, Help your kids achieve their best, Educational screen time, An affordable, reliable tutor
House and Lively Learning Celebrations Physical Vibe, Lively Learning Class Award, Divisional Swimming, Premier’s Active April
Student Amplify Organising school photos, PMP and Junior School Sport
School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) Definition of bullying
Facilities Updates Speed Zones installed, Pearcedale Road, New Playground, Rotary Nature Playground, Working Bee, Release of proposed images for Capital works Project
Spotlight Spotlight, Students in the Spotlight for Weeks 9
Health & Wellbeing School Community Health & Wellbeing
PFA Upcoming Fundraising Events, Easter Raffle, PLEASE HELP!  Easter Donations Needed, Mondo Recycling Update, Entertainment Memberships, Question?, Want to help at CSPS, but not sure how?
Parent and Community  Attendance, Good Luck!, School Banking, The Patch, Nominate your Lollipop person
Upcoming Events To further assist with smooth organisation of events, families are asked to adhere to all due dates of return slips and money., CSPS Event Calendar
Moral Purpose CSPS Strategic Plan 2018 - 2022, Strategic Plan Goals, Values, Democratic Principles

Published by Cranbourne South Primary School