Parent and Community

If parents/carers choose to keep their child/ren home as a precautionary measure to COVID-19, please contact the school via the attendance email
An alternative to this is to notify the school via the usual Compass attendance procedure and write 'COVID-19 precaution' in the details/comment box.
This is a directive from the Department of Education for attendance coding purposes.
Thank you for your support in this process.
Laura Kiellerup
Good Luck!
Campbell Hoctor from 4A will be competing in the National BMX Championships in Tasmania next week. What an amazing achievement to be competing at this level.
We wish you the best of luck Campbell!
School Banking
School Banking has been temporarily paused from 20 March 2020 until the start of Term 2. Please don’t bring your deposit book with your weekly banking into school and we will notify you when banking will recommence.
The Patch
WOW look at all our apples! 4A got to go up to the garden and try them out. Some kids thought they were a bit sour but Mrs Waiti and I tried them and we thought they were perfect. I think everyone should go and plant one today!
Ms Ryan
Nominate your Lollipop person
Is your Lollipop person the sweetest person you know?
Nominate your Lollipop person for the 2019/2020 School Crossing Supervisor of the year award.
Jump online and complete a nomination at
Your support of this program will help ensure your School Crossing Supervisor is shown the appreciation they deserve for their commitment to the ongoing safety of our children.