Student Amplify

Organising school photos
On Thursday the fifth of March we had school photos. The school captains had to help out all day with leading the different year levels to the Multi Purpose Room to get their school photos taken. This year photos went very smoothly because we were always on time and everyone was well behaved. We are all excited to see how the photos came out!
Ruby G & Marlie W.
PMP and Junior School Sport
Every Friday the foundation and junior school have been doing sport, with some of the school leaders. We have set up exciting activities for all of the junior school students. Some of their activities are rock/paper/scissors, mini basketball and skipping. While the junior school is doing that the foundation students are doing PMP.
During PMP the foundation students run obstacle courses in the multipurpose room to build their gross motor skills. They have to step through hoops, balance and practice throwing and catching. It is so much fun!
Written by: Ryder and Bella