House and Lively Learning Celebrations

Physical Vibe
Lively Learning Class Award
Spanish STEAM | 1A |
Divisional Swimming
A big congratulations to the 8 students who represented the school at Casey South Divisional Swimming Carnival at Noble Park. They all completed their races with such determination and should be proud of their efforts. Here are the amazing results:
- Jamie B - 3rd 12/13yr boys Freestyle & Breaststroke
- Alex S - 3rd 12/13yr old Backstroke
- Benjamin V - 2nd 11yr boys Freestyle & 3rd 11 yr boys Breaststroke
- Tye W - 3rd 11yr boys Butterfly
- Caitlin H - 4th 11yr girls Backstroke & Breaststroke
- Jesse D - 2nd 11yr boys Backstroke
- Nicholas V - 2nd 9/10yr boys Backstroke & 3rd 9/10yr boys Breaststroke
- Seth A- 3rd 9/10yr boys Freestyle
A massive thank you to the parents who attended the event, without your assistance our students wouldn't achieve such fantastic results. I hope you have all regained your voice after some seriously loud cheering!
Premier’s Active April
Premier’s Active April is a campaign that encourages all Victorians to do 30 minutes of physical activity a day during April. It’s free, it’s fun and it’s part of the Victorian Government’s commitment to get more people active and healthy.
We are encouraging all of the Cranbourne South Primary community to get involved. I know there are a lot of families who are active every day, so let’s work together to track our activity and be in the chance to win the school some prizes. It runs for all of April which means it starts in the holidays which is a great way to get the kids outside and moving.
It’s simple to get involved:
1. Register online for Active April (with parental support)
2. Request to join our team school team. Team ID: cranbourne-south-primary
For more information log onto the website or come and see me in the Multi-purpose room.
Thanks for your ongoing support in helping our children lead healthy, active lifestyles.