Suzanne Cory High School

Respect | Aspire | Contribute

Issue 15 · 03 Dec 2021

In this issue

Principal's Report Term 4 Reflection
Student News 10 Year Anniversary - Audiovisual piece by Alumni, Toni Jordan School Visit, Wyndham Tech School Data For Good Hackathon, One Wyndham, Ecocore and Environmental Co-Curricular Groups , EcoCore, SCHS Staff History and Classics Tragics Represent! , 10 Year Celebration Picnic
Parent/Guardian News SCHS Music Report-High Notes!  from the Music Department, Fundraising & Building and Library Fund, Facebook SCHS Community Group
House Update Blackwood, Cottrell, Kororoit, Rothwell
Achievements & Results House Cup, Chess State Finals - Runners Up, Science Talent Search, Joanne Ryan MP Lalor Awards, Premier’s Spirit of Anzac Prize, Insight creative writing award , One Girl Fundraiser , Valedictory, Class of 2021.
Key Dates Term 1, 2022 Term 1 Commences - STAFF, | Friday 28 January  , Term 1 Commences - YEAR 9 STUDENTS, | Tuesday 1 February, Term 1 Commences - YEAR 10 - 12 STUDENTS, | Wednesday 2 February, Year 9 Westgate Sports Day, | Wednesday 2 February, Swimming Carnival, | Thursday 3 February, Year 9 Primus City Week, | Tuesday 8 - Friday 11 February, School Photos, | Tuesday 15 February, Meet the Teachers Evening, | Tuesday 15 February, Athletics Day, | Friday 25 February , TBC Music Soiree Series 1, | Monday 7 March, Year 10 Immunisations , | Thursday 10 March, TBC Homecoming - Class of 2021, |Sunday 13 March, Public Holiday - Labour Day, | Monday 14 March, 2022 Parent Information Evening, | Tuesday 22 March , Year 9 Phillip Island Camp, | Wednesday 23 - Friday 25 March  , Parent - Teacher Conferences, | Tuesday 29 - Wednesday 30 March , Term 1 Concludes, | Friday 8 April , Stay up to date!

Published by Suzanne Cory High School