House Update

Hey everyone!
It’s Alexandria and Milo, Blackwood’s 2022 House Captains. We’re both super excited to be leading the most supportive, driven and obviously the best house here at Suzanne Cory. There’s no doubt about the fact that the last two years have been a rollercoaster for many of us, but nevertheless, we are so proud of everyone for their commitment, dedication and courage throughout this time. To everyone who participated in any event, big or small, we thank you for everything you’ve done for our house. Because of you, Blackwood managed to win the House Cup not once, but twice back to back!Just like everyone else, the whole leadership team is hoping that 2022 will be as normal as possible in order for us to run the events that we all love and miss.
Next year, we all want to work towards rejuvenating the overall house spirit since being in and out of lockdown has impacted it severely. As a team, we will all be working as equals to provide Blackwood with the support it needs throughout all the year levels. With more communication between students and leaders, we hope to continue our streak into the new year.VCE sports has just kick started with basketball, and since Blackwood has been performing quite well in recent years, we both have the utmost faith in the students participating in this event.
We can’t wait to see what our players achieve in the coming weeks. Moving forward into 2022, our annual swimming competition will be the first major event that Blackwood will take part in. We want to work towards securing the win yet again so just as always - #noemptylanes!To all our fellow knights, let's keep going on strong. Who’s ready for a three for three?
Alexandria (B4) and Milo (B8) - Blackwood House Captains
As another year draws to a close it is an opportunity to reflect on the goods time we’ve had throughout the year. Once again, our Cottrell family did us proud with consistent effort and passion in every event.
In what can only be describes as ANOTHER trying year, the students of Cottrell persevered during these trying times, winning more events than any house. While we didn’t win the cup, at least our teams gave it their all. We were going to be “Coming Home” by winning Chorals this year; but good old COVID put a stop to that again!
Thank-you to Jenny Tran and Shawn Le, our courageous Cottrell Captains and to their team: Alex Jaison, Carin Danial, Jashith Kumar, Ojas Manocha, Kim Dinh, Hamza Adam and Ron Aby. You led the team gallantly and your efforts didn’t go unnoticed.
We mustn’t forget to mention Mr Juricevich who brought that “extra spark” to Cottrell.
Finally, I would also like to thank the Home Group teachers for their dedication and hard work through another trying year.
Well done Cottrell. The Phoenix is rising.
Narelle Roberts, Cottrell Head of House.
It's easy to be negative when reflecting on the past two years. The class on 2021 hardly had the VCE experience they wanted but we must say, there are plenty of positives worth reflecting on.
In the future, we hope our students carry with them the resilience, courage and adaptability they have relied on to get through this time.
Kororoit house can also remember the spirit and comraderie that won us the Athletics comp.
Wins and losses aside, being a member of Kororoit house is a joy because the personality and enthusiasm that shines through on and off line!
Two individuals who exemplify Kororoit charisma are Kathy and Luca who will be remembered for a long time as the perfect student leaders. The passion, organisation and dedication that they delivered day in, day out was a marvel to see and made our jobs as house leaders too easy. It's going to be tough to say bye to them but our 2022 leaders have the best role models and I'm sure they will bring their own charm too!
We would like to welcome Dylan Cheah and Phuong Nguyen who will be taking of the reigns in 2022. They will be responsible with guiding the house through a year where the school will be focusing on everything we missed out on in '20 and '21.
As new opportunities have arisen we will be stepping into new roles too. Mr Duckworth will continue to support Kororoit as the new assistant head of house, with Ms Green replacing him. Mr Pavlovic is headed to the opposition to join Blackwood but his spirit will always be a little bit red.
Happy Holidays,
Mr Duckworth and Mr Palvovic
I'm Meghana and I have the honour of being a Rothwell House Captain for 2022! I entered SCHS as a Year 10 student in 2020. In the short time before COVID struck and we all went into lockdown, I was blown away by the house system and how much everyone cared for it! It was a culture shock for me, since I had never seen anything like it at my previous school. I looked up to the Rothwell house captains at the time, Martin and Minhal, and was inspired by them to see myself in leadership.
House spirit and Rothwell's family-like attitude made me feel welcome, and allowed me to find a place for myself in the school much quicker than I thought I would, and I'll always be grateful for it. I always hoped to give back the hospitality I received, which I can hopefully accomplish with my role.
My vision for 2022 is a sort of homecoming for Rothwellians. With fingers-crossed, I hope 2022 will be a quote unquote 'normal' school year with all house events in full swing. It'll be exciting to see our house spirit being built again from the ground-up after two years away from school, and it'll be even more exciting to be able to inspire it alongside our incredibly capable and driven leadership team. Let's go Rothwell!
Hey everyone, I’m Patrick and I will be one of the Rothwell House Captains and I can’t wait to start the new year as one of your leaders for 2022. Just a little about me, I have been a part of the Rothwell Leadership Team for three years and I am a Cadet Sergeant in the Australian Air Force Cadets. From seeing Aiman and Amelia, Martin and Minhal, Sandy and Sahithya, I was inspired to go for this position and I hope I can live up to their legacy and prove that I am worthy to hold this position.
For 2022, I would like to see the house coming together again as one big family and seeing you all partcipate in all the house events coming up next year. My main goal for next year is to get the house spirit back up to where it was before COVID and I believe we can get our house spirit back there. Our house is our family and we will always be here for the students of the past, present, and future. I hope to see all your similing faces in 2022 and the Rothwell Family back together again.
Meghana and Patrick - House Captains