Achievements & Results

House Cup
Well done Blackwood another great year in the house competition and another victory. The celebrations were electric, there was such pure emotion from the students when the winner was announced.
I am so proud of all the contributions to the house program over the year and grateful to all the students and staff for continuing to embrace house spirit through the lockdowns.
This is my last year at Suzanne Cory so I would like to thank all the students and staff for their work and support over the last 5 years. I will miss you and I look forward to hearing how the house cup goes in 2022.
Miss Breed
Chess State Finals - Runners Up
Northern Star Chess Secondary Girls State Finals were held on 21st of November, 2021. Each player played 7 rounds of 10 minutes each, gaining points as they progressed forward. Claire won the Silver medal and Sadhana won the Bronze medal, respectively.
Suzanne Cory High School bagged the Runners Up Trophy at the tournament.
Congratulations Claire and Sadhana, for your well-deserved win.
Ms Manan Walia
Teacher : Studio Art | Visual Communication Design
Science Talent Search
In May, Tvisha took part in the annual Science Talent Search (STS). The STS is a 1 to 2 month long research project that young scientists participate in. This year, the overarching theme was Food: Different by Design.
Tvisha created an excellent scientific wall chart about sustainable food production. It was received very well by the judges and Tvisha received a minor bursary sponsored by Minerals Council of Australia (Victorian Division).
Congratulations Tvisha!
Mr Tran
Joanne Ryan MP Lalor Awards
Joanne Ryan is the Federal Member for Lalor, which includes the Werribee area. We had the great pleasure of nominating two students to receive awards from Joanne Ryan for their efforts in leadership and contribution to school and community. Congratulations to Chaahat Kadian for receiving the Julia Gillard Award and Esha Bhatia for receiving the Lalor Hero Award. Both students are outstanding members of our community, and have upheld the school values Respect, Contribution and Aspiration throughout their time at SCHS.
Mr Taig - Careers Practitioner
Premier’s Spirit of Anzac Prize
The Premier’s Spirit of Anzac Prize in 2021 offered students in Year 9, 10 and 11 the opportunity to:
- explore Australia’s proud and significant war and peacekeeping history
- enter to receive a $2,500 scholarship to support their education
Through the program, students were asked to express their perspectives and understanding of experiences of those who have served.
We are proud to share that Likitha of Year 9 at Suzanne Cory High School has won the prestigious Premier's Spirit of Anzac Prize. Congratulations Likitha!
Thank you as well to Ms Bradwell for helping with the process.
Insight creative writing award
Insight Publications is an independent Australian-owned company with over 50 years of experience publishing English resources for secondary teachers and students. They develop innovative, engaging and evolving English resources to challenge, to inspire and to enrich learning.
Insight Publications held their Insight Creative Writing Competition with the theme: A flash of inspiration.
Charlize of Year 10 at SCHS, won the Year 10 division!
Congratulations Charlize!
One Girl Fundraiser
On Thursday the 18th of November, the 2021 Duke of Edinburgh class ran a ‘do it in a dress’ day at Suzanne Cory! For every $50 we raised, 1 teacher wore a dress to school. The teachers looked absolutely fantastic and it was a wonderful day for everyone! The event was to raise funds and awareness for One Girl, an organisation that raises funds and awareness for Girls’ education in Sierra Leone and Uganda. This also provided a voluntary service option for the Duke of Edinburgh students, as volunteering can be a challenging aspect of the award for many participants. The class spent months planning the event and I am super proud to let you know that we raised over $679.86! We have also received more online donations after the event so our total now well exceeds this! I am so proud of the Suzanne Cory community and especially of my DOE class! I know that it has been super hard for Duke of Edinburgh students to complete the award during lockdowns. That is why we found a way for the class to benefit more than just our school, but the world. As a Young Award Leader I was able to collaborate with my class and bring this amazing event to Suzanne Cory High School. I highly recommend undertaking the Duke of Edinburgh award!
Thank you to the amazing 2021 Duke of Edinburgh class for all the hard work put in! Thank you to everyone who donated and spread the word! Most of all, thank you to the teachers (and students) who wore school dresses for girls’ education! We should all be so proud of what we have accomplished!
Sophie Year 10, B7.
Valedictory, Class of 2021.
Our class of 2021 have had one of the toughest VCE's due to the global pandemic. Throughout it all, this cohort have shown resilience and demonstrated the school's values of Respect, Contribution and Aspiration. Congratulations to Charlie, for being voted by your peers to be the Class of 2021, Valedictorian.
While we weren't able to celebrate their Valedictory with families, we hope that they were still able to have a wonderful evening in the transformed Agora. Thank you to the staff led by Mr Mulcahy who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to make this event possible.
Year 12 families - please ensure you check compass for details of how to purchase the professional photos. You will only have access to compass for a few more days.