Parent/Guardian News

SCHS Music Report-High Notes! from the Music Department
Music Making
And so, we come the end of another year. Another remarkable year in many ways. Another remarkable year of stunning achievements, disappointments, surprises and of course music making! Yes, we were very much into practicing our lockdown music making skills at home, online, collaborating together online, making Youtube clips and of course, playing together when the conditions were right. Throughout human history, personkind has always striven to make music no matter what our conditions have been. From cave dwellers tapping out rhythms to communicate their day, to groups huddled together during unfavourable times trying to pay outlawed jazz music, there has always been music making. Joyous and fulfilling.
We were at least very fortunate to manage our well appreciated term one Instrumental Soiree and term two Winter Concert. It was apparent to all that it didn’t take us long to be able to rise back to our best with some stunning soloists in the Soiree and our large ensembles such as Orchestras, Bands and Choirs, really making the most our opportunity to play. And that is exactly what our situation was-the opportunity to play again with friends and family, which is really what music making is all about. To all the wonderful students who contributed to the online soirees, the online Open Mics, online lessons and the online compositions, performances in classes, I offer you our heartfelt and sincere congratulations, thanks and respect, for it is you who keep music alive for all of us.
There are many people to thank for our successes this year. Our great Instrumental Music Teacher, who never shied away from coming up with new music making ideas no matter what the situation. To the Administration in times of great strain and uncertainty, who were always able to fulfill our requests for music and musical needs. Our two wonderful Music Captains, Arati and Matt , who led our student cohort in a range of activities, conducting of assembly singing and musical performances. I appreciate that the disappointments of the year and last year, with the absence of Musicals and Chorals and the like, but please be assured that through your combined efforts, next year’s cohort will be in a great place to realise these events once again.
Despite our lockdown situation again this year, I need to congratulate the music staff and students of Suzanne Cory High School on another great year of music making, no matter what the forum or format, it has been my pleasure to work with you.
Tony Paye
Director of Music SCHS
Fundraising & Building and Library Fund
Suzanne Cory High School believes that when provided the right environment and opportunity, all students have the potential to achieve the excellence they aspire to.
Currently for our 10 Year Celebration, we are raising funds to build a pavilion for our school. It will enhance what we can offer our students, as well as our community members too.
Click here to make a donation today. Don't forget, all donations over $2 is tax deductible.
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Hello Parents/Guardians
In case you missed it, SCHS have a Facebook community group that you are welcome to join. This is just an informal forum where you can touch base with other members in the community. To join, click here and please ensure you answer the questions.