St. Brendan's Primary School Newsletter

4th May 2023 - Term 2 Issue 1 · 04 May 2023

In this issue

Prayer & Acknowledgment Acknowledgment of Country
A message from our Principal Dear St. Brendan's School Community,, Assembly - The Resurrection, Anzac Day, Parents and Friends, Uniforms, Cross Country, Netball, Sacramental Program
Making Jesus Real Making Jesus Real, ~ Conservation Champion ~, MJR Awards, Ayen Padual - 1/2 Finn, Paduol Padual - 3/4 Secchi, Marita Bisimwa - 5/6 Beks, 31st March 2023, Harley Ridden - F/1 Morrison, Katie Hamilton - 5/6 Mangiameli, Lucy Koko - 3/4 Renato, Ben Zurawski - F/1 Weber, James Lamb - 1/2 Andronaco
Year 6 Leadership Presentation Year 6 Leadership Presentation
Catholic Identity Sandhurst celebrates Catholic Education  Week, PROJECT COMPASSION 'THANK YOU', Fr Jackson's visit with the Middle and Senior students, HOLY WEEK MASS SERVICES, ~ Thank you ~, St Francis has arrived, Congratulations Ivan John who celebrated his , First Solemn Holy Communion over the holidays., Holy Week Liturgies at School , Solidarity Walk (Postponed due to the wet weather), Project Compassion Donation Boxes, (All boxes due next Wednesday, 5th April)
Sacramental Program 2023
Star Students of the fortnight Star Students for the Fortnight, Junior Years, Middle Years, Senior Years
New Sheds New Sheds
What's happening in Senior Years.... Senior Year’s Learning Community Update Term 2
Book Club Issue 3 Book Club 
Parents and Friends News Parents and Friends Calendar of events – Term 1, Current events and fundraisers, Mother’s Day Stall - purchase now via CDF Pay, Help required, Mother’s Day Celebration - Friday, 12th May, Walk Safely to School Day - Friday,19th March , Ongoing Fundraisers, Athletes Foot School Rewards Program, IGA Community Rewards, My Name Label, Committee Updates & Information, Contact details for P&F, Next P&F Meeting, Register to be a volunteer, Business interest
Parent Information Office Hours, St. Brendan's Primary School Website, Student Absences, SKOOLBAG NAME CHANGE - UPDATED MESSAGE, Late to School , Sports Days - Sports Uniforms, Medications at School, Keeping information up to date on Operoo, School Fees , Direct Debit Payments, CSEF , Bell Times, Headlice Information
Calendar of Events Calendar of Events 2023, Term 2, Term 3, Term 4
Canteen Canteen
Sporting Club News All Sporting Teams Contacts
Notre Dame College 2024 Enrolments