Catholic Identity

Sandhurst celebrates Catholic Education Week
The week is an opportunity for our school to join Catholic schools within our Sandhurst Diocese to celebrate our distinctive Catholic identity, our achievements, and the role our school plays within our parish and local communities.
The theme for this year’s celebrations is ‘Let the words you speak be always full of Grace’.
Catholic Education seeks to provide students with a high-quality education that is inspired by the example of Jesus Christ and fosters the development of the whole person, forming individuals with more than just skills, but with the virtues to live life as transformative agents in our communities.
To all St. Brendan's families who donated to Project Compassion last term through all our fundraising efforts, including; Pancake Tuesday, Caritas Donation boxes and the Solidarity Walk (still pending due to weather constraints last term), THANK YOU!
The total to date from Pancake Tuesday $331.80, returned Caritas boxes and the Solidarity Walk raised $1359.80 bringing the Grand total to $1691.60. Your generosity is very much appreciated. If you still have Caritas boxes at home with donations, please return to the School office.
Donations to Project Compassion allow Caritas Australia, the Catholic Agency for International Aid and Development, to work with local communities around the world to end poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity.
Fr Jackson's visit with the Middle and Senior students
Last Thursday, Father Jackson took some time to speak to all our students in Middle and Senior Years. Father Jackson spoke to the students about Vocations and Good Shepherd Sunday.
The students learnt a little more about Father Jackson and his interests and hobbies. There was time for questions where the students asked Father Jackson why he became a priest and his response was, 'I had a calling'.
Angela Kitungano and Zoe Prenzler congratulated Father Jackson on celebrating his first year anniversary as a Priest in our Parish. It is always a special privilege to have our priests visit and speak to our students and we look forward to more visits in the future.
Thank you Father Jackson.
~ Thank you ~
Grateful thanks to the families and the students who participated in the Holy Week Mass Services at St. Brendan's Church during the Easter Holiday break.
We wish to thank the Altar Servers who served and the Sargeant family for joining Father Joe and Father Jackson for the washing of the Feet. It was a very special and beautiful service that was quite a moving experience. Thank you.
St Francis has arrived
In the last week of the holidays a special EXTRA LARGE delivery was made to Father Joe. It was the long awaited Saint Francis of Assisi statue.
At the moment it is in a temporary spot in the Parish Garden and is waiting to be placed in a more permanent spot once decided and prepared.
It is a beautiful statue which Father Joe is quite proud of. You are most welcome to visit the gardens and take a look at this special icon.
Congratulations Ivan John who celebrated his
First Solemn Holy Communion over the holidays.
Holy Week Liturgies at School
As Term 1 draws to an end, all students across the school have been very busy organising their Holy Week Liturgies which will begin this week with the Year 1/ 2’s presenting this weekend’s Gospel story on PALM SUNDAY.
Everyone is welcome, parents and families. Each of Holy Week presentations will be held in the courtyard at 9am.
Please see below a schedule of when each Year Level is on for Assembly Prayer at 9am starting this Friday in our courtyard-Palm Sunday.)
We look forward to this special week of Prayer and Reflection.
Solidarity Walk (Postponed due to the wet weather)
Unfortunately due to the rain on Monday and through the week, we were unable to have our Solidarity Walk. For now, it will be postponed to a later date. Thank you to all the families who donated a GOLD COIN for this year’s Solidarity Walk. We are very grateful for all your generous donations.
Project Compassion Donation Boxes
(All boxes due next Wednesday, 5th April)
Thank you very much to all the families who have made generous donations to CARITAS through the Project Compassion Boxes. Your generous donations will help provide goods, services and education to those less fortunate through Caritas Australia.
We would now like to ask all families to send their boxes back to school by next Wednesday so that a final amount raised from these boxes can be tallied up and sent off to Kerry Stone, Sandhurst Diocesan Coordinator for CARITAS and JUSTICE.
Thank you to all our St Brendan's families and our wonderful students. Your generosity and involvement in our school's Caritas Fundraising efforts is always inspiring and uplifting.
We look forward to a wonderful week of Prayer and Giving as Term One draws to an end.
Have a lovely last week of term and a Blessed Easter.
Kind Regards,
Leanne Pellegrino (Catholic Identity Leader)