Star Students of the fortnight

Star Students for the Fortnight
Junior Years
Mr Enright:
Abylani Liu for a fantastic start to Term Two.
Well done Abylani!
William Lancaster for always being kind to his friends and
consistently doing his best work.
Miss Turk:
Laura Doyle for always completing her work to the best of her ability.
Well done, Laura! Keep it up!
Max Corboy for being a good sport and encouraging his peers.
Well done, Max!
Mrs Weber:
Kevin Duong for having a settled start to Term 2 and for learning to write his name.
Terrific work Kevin!
Allay Guljok for his great improvement in his listening skills and for
being ready to work each day.
Fabulous work Allay
Mr Morrison:
Tommy Espiridion for continuing his great start to the year with his reading and writing.
Riyan Jawandha for remaining engaged and on task during class.
Keep up the great work Riyan!
Miss Finn:
Cassius Ralph For his persistence and effort to improve his handwriting.
Keep it up!
Violet Magill for consistently producing excellent quality work and trying her hardest!
Mr Maskell:
Eli Thomas for focusing on his handwriting and helping his peers.
Connor Van Houts for being positive to his classroom and having a go.
Mr Andronaco:
Agnes Orr for continuing her fantastic writing from term.
Logan Brand for having an amazing start to his schooling at St. Brendan's.
Miss Sidebottom:
Sienna Giuliani for a great start to Term 2.
Keep up the great work Sienna!
Anaya Advani for having a positive attitude towards her learning and
sharing a positive glow to the classroom.
Middle Years
Mr O'Hara:
Madison Spencer for creating an amazing ANZAC silhouette and completing her classwork efficiently and independently.
Keep it up Madison!
Arya Baldi
For always listening, trying her best and getting excited while learning multiplication. Amazing work Arya!
Mr Secchi:
Sigrid Feldtmann for having such a positive transition when joining our school.
She has shown beautiful manners, been friendly to all those around her and has included herself in class discussions with confidence.
Well done, Sigrid!
Angelo Maoe for the effort and care he has put into his Inquiry work.
His comparison between living and non-living things was produced with
some lovely illustrations.
Well done, Angelo!
Mr Renato:
Marlee Nicholson for improving his attendance coming to school every day and showing enjoyment in his quiet reading in the morning routine
Elaina Lancaster for being able to complete her learning in Literacy and Numeracy and displaying enjoyment and engagement in all her work tasks.
What a fantastic start to the term Elaina, Well done!
Mrs Dainton:
Phillip for his consistent work ethic in writing and reading.
He is finishing his work in class time. His writing pieces are of a high standard and enjoys using the computer to publish his finished pieces.
Isabella for her positive work ethic in all her reading and writing.
Isabella has produced excellent writing pieces for our “Accidentally Kelly Street “ book.
Mr Howley:
Bernice for always trying her best and writing very well constructed sentences.
Solange for her extensive list of ideas as part of her work on “Borrowing a Line” to generate her writing ideas.
Senior Years
Mr Beks:
Seth Grimes for settling in extremely well into the classroom environment and improving his application to his classroom work and behaviour.
Ella Mills for being a consistently well behaved, respectful and hard-working student who always tries her best in all areas.
Mr Lindon:
Riley Singh for making a great start to term 2.
Keep up the great work Riley!
Levi Colliefor having a great attitude towards his learning and continuing to
spread kindness in the classroom.
Mr Iorianni:
Judd Moore for a fantastic start to Term Two - showing great leadership.
Well done, Judd.
Wyatt Carlson for engaging in his learning and making the most of
his opportunities to learn and grow.
Great work, Wyatt.
Mr Thompson:
Ivy Stevens for always attempting new and challenging topics in
math with a positive attitude.
Harrison Gooiker for ensuring that the classroom is always left
exactly as it was found every single day.
Miss Mangiameli
Danindu Udakanaththa for his excellent participation and work ethic that
he brings to the classroom every day.
Achok Tiny for her positive attitude and continuing to build
her confidence within the classroom.
Keep up the great work!