
Issue 4 · 22 Mar 2024

In this issue

From the Principal Welcome To Week 8!, Easter Prayer Assemblies, St Mary's Cross Country 8-12 Year Olds Save the Date 4th April 2024, School Expectations, P & F Meeting 20th March 2024, Farewell Mrs.Jenny Teege, Confirmation Lessons for Year 6, Congratulations for the Winter Trials  Success to the Following Students:, Parent Teacher Interviews, NAPLAN, Public Holidays and Pupil Free Day, Reminder Term 1 Fee payments, Free Online Safety Webinar, ATTENDANCE - Every Day Counts
Our Faith - Religious Education Mini Vinnies - St Patrick's Day & Caritas Ks Event, Project Compassion 2024, Easter Prayer Assemblies, Parish Masses at OLA , Sacrament of Confirmation 2024, Chrism Mass, Sts Mary & Joseph Parish News, Sympathy, Sacraments 2024, Diocesan Prayer Card
PHOTO GALLERY Kindergarten, Year 1, Year 2, Year 4 , Serviam Squad
School News 2024 Parent Handbook, The Power of Parental Engagement in Education  , GENERAL SCHOOL REMINDERS , Arriving Late or Leaving School Early, Attendance , School expectations, SCHOOL UNIFORM - We wear it with pride!, Parent Messages for Students during the Day, Contacting Your Child's Teacher, School Hours, School Office Hours, Lost Property, Clothing Pool - Term 1, Uniform Days , Canteen Summer Menu, School Fees, After School Pickup, Keep connected with what is happening at school through Compass & the Newsletter, Manners Matter , Mobile Phones and other Electronic Devices, Complaint Management
Library News Library with Mrs Cain, Library Borrowing, Why Is Reading Books Important In a Digital Age, Book Club, Premier's Reading Challenge, SORA    , World Book Online , A safe, trusted, 21st-century learning environment for students.
Sports News Diocesan Winter Trials, Upcoming sporting dates, NSW Boys Netball, SPORT INFORMATION
P&F  Association and School Advisory CouncilNews  P & F ASSOCIATION, Hot Cross Bun Drive, SCHOOL ADVISORY COMMITTEE
Parent News NSW Police Force - Office of the Commissioner, Council of Catholic Schools Parents  - CCSP, Newsletter - 2024 Issue 1 OUT NOW!!!, Family Relationship Centre, Rural Resilience Program, Real Talk Parents Free Membership, Catholic Schools NSW Media Release, Cancer Council Snippets, Good for Kids, Swap It, School TV
Community Information ACSC Netball Registrations, ADIG, Autumn Festival - Capture Autumn Photo Competition, Benevolent Society, New England Nomads Juniors AFC, East Armidale United Football Club, Armidale Junior Rugby, Australian Women's Classic Golf Tournament, Demon Knights Football Club, Campus to City Canter, Harlequins Hockey, Zero Emission Buses, The Smith Family Saver Plus, Centacare Free School Event
School Safety Safety strategies for every child, Parking at School  , Rusden Street Traffic Rules, Working With Children Check (WWCC), Medication, Mobile Phone Safety, Social Media Help, Ways to limit content viewing for children, Why Students need to turn off Devices at least half an hour before sleep
After School Care
Living Well Learning Well St Mary's School Learning & Wellbeing., Family Habit Builder:, Gratitude Scavenger Hunt

Published by St Mary's Catholic Primary School