From the Principal

Mrs Belinda Burton 

Welcome To Week 8!

Term One is flying by and we are on the countdown to Easter. 

Easter Prayer Assemblies

Parents & Friends are invited to attend the Easter Prayer Assemblies on Thursday

28th March in the School Hall. 


Kindergarten, Yr 1 & 2  10:15 am

Yr 3 & 4  11:30 am

Yr 5 & 6 12:30 pm 

St Mary's Cross Country 8-12 Year Olds Save the Date 4th April 2024

Year 2-6 students aged 8-10 yrs (any year 2 student who turns 8 this year is also included in this group) will run 2km and students aged 11-12 years will run 3km. It is the age your child turns this year. 


Further information has been sent home yesterday. Please encourage your child to prepare for this activity by running at home. 

School Expectations

I am requesting parents to please enforce the following expectations at home as I have seen a decline in the presentation of our students uniform code, untidy  hair, 

the wearing of jewellery and nail polish. 


I request that all students hair is tidy and NOT in their eyes. Please get your child's fringe cut if it is in their eyes.


Our school policy is:

  1. Wearing the correct school uniform is compulsory. A note to the school is required if a child is not in the correct uniform. 
  2.  School hats are to be worn at school when outside. 
  3.  Hair is to be worn up if below shoulders (touching the shirt collar )and not in eyes.  The principal can request students get their hair cut if it is deemed untidy.
  4. Nail Polish is not to be worn at school.
  5.  Jewellery is limited to a watch, plain sleepers or studs

Thank you for making sure your child is in the correct uniform and takes pride in their presentation each day. 

P & F Meeting 20th March 2024

THANK YOU to the outgoing P&F Committee for your wonderful work for the school. Your energy and dedication, your availability to run, organise & support events has been amazing.


Jo Ward -  thank you for chairing the meetings and organising your time around the school calendar. Your efficient record keeping, dedication and memory is truly remarkable.

Kylie Wanschers – thank you for supporting Jo and filling in for her when she was not available. Thank you for your contagious smile and happy nature.

Bernadette Garratt – a very big thank you for doing the treasury role. It is a very big position and your skills have been very much appreciated. 

Christine Fittler – BBQ & Catering, thank you for the hours you spent organising events for our families and children. The number of chocolate bars, bottles of water & sausages you have sold would be a record. 

Claire Hammond – thank you for your very efficient work as secretary, a new mum to St Mary’s in Kindergarten last year, you took on the position without a second thought thank you. 

To all our faithful members thank you for all of your support & work. Thank you, Frances Miller, Maree Rogers, Dale Cain and all those who have turned up month after month, THANK YOU.

The Fete Committee – Sarah Clarke & Dave Crosby, all the stall organisers, the massive job in coordinating the Fete in 2023 WELL DONE!


For the friendship, the fun and the financial support to make sure our children and the school have a little extra and our school is the wonderful place it is. I THANK YOU.

May we always strive to build friendship, community and a school that lives out the gospel values in all that we do, say and think.


I congratulate and thank those who have taken on executive roles for 2024:

President: Jane Graham

Vice President: Jo Ward

Treasurer: Bernadette

Secretary: Clare Hammond

Catering & BBQ: Maree Rogers

Discos: Christine Fittler

Farewell Mrs.Jenny Teege

Mrs Teege has been on long service leave this term and has decided that she will retire from her position as Educational Assistant after 11 years on staff, and 20 years of association with St Mary's with her children attending St Mary's. Last night the staff farewelled Jenny and thanked her for the wonderful service she has given to the children, teachers, and all of the school community she has worked with.


Confirmation Lessons for Year 6

 Lessons are being held in the DLS Chapel (O'Connor College) on Sunday at 8:00 am to 9:30 am. The first hour of the lesson will consist of participation in Mass followed by a formation lesson. Mass attendance is an important part of Confirmation preparation for all students and for their ongoing faith development. Attendance at all lessons is compulsory. 

Lesson 1 Sunday 10/3/24 8am - 9:30am 

Lesson 2 Sunday 17/3/24 8am - 9:30am 

Lesson 3 Sunday 24/3/24 8am - 9:30am (Palm Sunday)

Lesson 4 Sunday 7/4/24 8am - 9:30am 

Lesson 5 Sunday 5/5/24 8am - 9:30am  (Reconciliation Revision & Makeup missed lesson).

Lesson 6 Sunday 12/5/24 8am - 9:30am (Practice for Confirmation)

Confirmation Sunday 19/5/24 at 10am Mass

Congratulations for the Winter Trials  Success to the Following Students:

Girls Soccer: Alexandra Robson

Boys Soccer: Oliver Williams

Rugby League: Darcy Thornton

Girls Hockey: Ruby Brauer, Molly Schmude, Sophie Schmude

Boys Hockey: Charlie Cox, Clancy Lawlor, Liam Rogers

Parent Teacher Interviews

Kindergarten Interviews are being held this week and next week,  Weeks 8 & 9 . Please make sure you have booked your interview through Compass.  


This week sees the completion of NAPLAN for Year 3 & 5 students. I would like to congratulate the students on the way they have conducted themselves in these tests. All students have managed to rise to the challenge and tried their best. Thank you also to NAPLAN co-ordinator Mrs Cain and the Year 3 & 5 teachers staff who administered the assessments. Thank you to the staff who then provided a calm environment for our students. 

Public Holidays and Pupil Free Day

Please remember:

Good Friday 29th March and Easter Monday 1st April are public holidays. The last day of term, for the students is Thursday 11 April. School resumes on Monday 29th April for Term 2.

Reminder Term 1 Fee payments

Our Term 1 fees are due. Thank you to all our families who have made their Term 1 payments. 

Free Online Safety Webinar

Don't miss the Council of Catholic School Parents cybersafety session on Tuesday 26th March at 7:30pm - 'Understanding parental controls to safeguard your child'. The 30 minute session is suitable for parents and carers of young people in primary school. It provides an overview of different types of parental controls and how to set them on smart devices and computers, in apps and on gaming platforms for your child’s safety.


Free Webinar: Understanding parental controls to safeguard your child

Tuesday 26 March 7.30pm - 8pm 

Register here:


ATTENDANCE - Every Day Counts

Please remember to explain your child's absence from school by clicking the link in the SMS sent on the day of absence, phoning the school or send an email to  Absence SMS notifications are sent automatically by Compass at 9.30 am.  Unaccompanied Late Arrival SMS notifications are sent at 10.30 am.  All absences must be explained within 7 days of them occurring, otherwise they must remain an unexplained absence.


The bell goes at 8.50 am, rolls are marked at 8:55 am.  Please remember that children arriving at school after this time must be signed in at the Compass Kiosk in the foyer.  


If your child is sick and away from school for more than 3 consecutive days please seek medical attention and provide the school with information regarding the medical reason for leave. You can seek medical reasons from your Doctor, an online Doctor, a Chemist Pharmacist, or a Hospital ED. 


Please note that family holidays during Term time are included in days absent even when 

the school has been notified of the leave.


Our current data shows we have 15 students in the 'Critical Risk & High Risk' areas, we have 12 in the 'At Risk ' area, for the first half of Term 1.  


Evidence-based data indicates that student attendance needs to be at 90% for success!