Sports News

Mr Darren Lester

Diocesan Winter Trials


Well done to all of the children who competed at the Diocesan Winter Trials. Congratulations to these students who made it through to the Diocesan side to compete at Polding.

Girls Soccer: Alexandra Robson

Boys Soccer: Oliver Williams

Rugby League: Darcy Thornton

Girls Hockey: Ruby Brauer, Molly Schmude, Sophie Schmude

Boys Hockey: Charlie Cox, Clancy Lawlor, Liam Rogers


Upcoming sporting dates

  1. St Mary's Cross Country: Thursday, April .
  2. Diocesan Touch Football and Cricket trials: Friday, April 5th
  3. Polding Winter Trials: Friday, May 3rd.

NSW Boys Netball



Term 1 Sports Dates 

* Diocesan Cricket Trials Tamworth 5 April

* Diocesan Touch Football Trials Tamworth 5 April

*Polding Swimming 3 April, Homebush

* School Cross Country ?????? April,  Harris Park

*PSSA Swimming 11 & 12 April, Homebush


The Armidale Diocesan Primary Sport Council  has a website and Facebook page where you can go to find details on the various Diocesan and sporting events. 

The web addresses are below:


Pathway for progression in primary sport in Armidale Diocesan Schools.

  1. School Carnival or Trials
  2. Diocesan Carnival
  3. Polding Carnival
  5. National Primary All Schools