Our Faith - Religious Education

Pray with HOPE is the 2024 theme for Catholic Schools.
Mini Vinnies - St Patrick's Day & Caritas Ks Event
Thank you to our St Mary's Community for raising over $7000 for Project Compassion through the Caritas Ks Event and our St Patrick's Green Day. This is a huge amount and we can't thank you all enough for your generosity.
Mini Vinnies would like to congratulate the following students in each year level for raising the most money through their sponsorship:
- Kindergarten - Grace Scully
- Year 1 - Harrison Fittock
- Year 2 - Braxton Clark
- Year 3 - David Valente
- Year 4 - Elise McMahon
- Year 5 - Tom Ward
- Year 6 - Atalia Seymour
These students will receive an acknowledgment at our next Assembly.
We had to postpone the Caritas Ks event on Monday (due to the rain) however, students are eagerly looking forward to the event today.
Project Compassion 2024
We kindly ask families to bring back their Project Compassion boxes next week.
Easter Prayer Assemblies
We warmly invite families and friends to our Easter Liturgies next Thursday 28/3/24.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a safe and blessed Easter.
Please see the Parish note below for Mass times over Holy Week & Easter.
Parish Masses at OLA
Thank you to Father Paul Anthony, Father Damien, Year 2-6 staff and students for their participation in the parish masses this term.
Parents and Friends are invited to join classes as they attend Parish Masses on Friday this term. Classes will attend the Parish Mass on Friday at 9:15am at the OLA Chapel. Dates are listed below for Parish Masses -
22/3/24 | Week 8 | Year 1 |
5/4/24 | Week 10 | Kindergarten |
Sacrament of Confirmation 2024
We are in full swing of our Parish Confirmation Program and will have Lesson 3 on this Sunday (24/3/24). This will be the last session for the term. If your child has missed a lesson, please ensure that they have completed their workbook for Session 1 and Session 2.
A reminder that lessons are in the DLS Chapel on Sunday at 8:00am-9:30am. The first hour of the lesson will consist of participation in Mass followed by a Formation lesson. Mass attendance is an important part of Confirmation preparation for all students and for their ongoing faith development. Attendance at all lessons is compulsory to complete the program and to celebrate the sacrament of Confirmation.
Confirmation Lesson 3 Sunday 24/3/24 8am - 9:30am |
Confirmation Lesson 4 Sunday 7/4/24 8am - 9:30am |
Confirmation Lesson 5 Sunday 5/5/24 8am - 9:30am |
Confirmation Lesson 6 Sunday 12/5/24 8am - 9:30am |
Confirmation Celebrated Sunday 19/5/24 at 10am Mass |
Chrism Mass
School Leaders will join Mrs Burton and Mrs Scully at the Chrism Mass next Tuesday. As this is in the OLA Chapel, we are unable to take more students due to limited seating.
Sts Mary & Joseph Parish News
Saints Mary and Joseph Cathedral Parish Weekend Mass Times are Saturday 9 am & 6 pm
and Sunday - 8 am, 10 am and 5.30 pm. Currently weekend Masses are being celebrated in the De La Salle Chapel at O'Connor due to the roof repairs at the Cathedral.
Please see the advised changes for Weekend Masses from the DLS Chapel to the OLA Chapel from 20/4/24.
Our sympathy is extended to Harley Paton's family, for the loss of their Grandmother.
May she rest in peace and may the perpetual light shine upon her. Amen.
Sacraments 2024
First Reconciliation & First Eucharist: Term 3, Date to be set.
Diocesan Prayer Card