The Fountain

Growing our love of learning

Term 2, 2024 - Issue 8 · 22 May 2024

In this issue

From the Acting Principal 1. Social interaction is key to every child's growth and development., 2. Social media platforms often traffic in the wrong kind of social interaction.,  3. It's not all bad., 4. Adolescence is a 'developmentally vulnerable period' when teens crave social rewards, but don't have the ability to restrain themselves., 5. Likes can make bad behaviour look good., 6. Social media can also make 'psychologically disordered behaviour' look good., 7. Extreme social media use can look a lot like addiction., 8. The threat of online bullying is real., 9. It's hard not to compare yourself to what you see on social media., 10. Sleep is more important than those likes., In gratitude: Year 12 Mother’s Day Breakfast
Important upcoming dates
Student achievements
Rowing Awards Night
Take note The Southern Catholic College Careers Expo 2024  , Keeping warm in winter , Senior Drama Production, Save the date!, Junior School Chess Club, Presentation Week
Latest news Lantern Lunches, The Mother's Day Celebrations continue!, Spelling with Year 2, Nagle Mass, Year 6 Leaders IPSHA Meeting, Surfing their way through Materials and Design, Question Time at Year 6 Parliament, Kinder Park Play, A busy week in Legal Studies, Becoming Career Curious
Sports news Year 3-6 Cross Country, Half-Field Hockey, Ready to race!, 1st grade Tennis team aces State Championship!
Community news Building a national picture of child health, Autism (positive partnerships) workshops, Youth Connect Workshop

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