Cecil Hills High School Newsletter

Respectful, Responsible, Successful

Issue 4 · 05 Jul 2024

In this issue

Young Minds  Great Futures   Partners in Learning, Uniform, Higher School Certificate Countdown, External Validation, Return to school date - Term 3
Inspiring Success  Another great term of teaching and learning, Sporting Successes, Congratulations to Panayoti Totsis from Year 7, Zone Athletics
 A world of opportunities  Year 8 Innovation Elective - Food Lovers Project Showcase, Year 8 Innovation Elective: Just Desserts , Year 8 Innovation Elective Show Business - What a Performance!  , Year 12 - Important events in Term 3 and 4 , Exciting Learning Opportunity for Year 12 History Students , Year 12 Cowpasture Prefect Afternoon Tea  , Pyjama Foundation Day , Celebrating Refugee Week 2024 at Cecil 
Supporting our students  Wanderers Football Program, Souths Cares – Year 9 Presentation, Year 9 Police Talk
Opening New Worlds  Year 10 TAFE Tasters, Decision Time for Year 10
Engaging our school Reconnect: Getting the fundamentals right, Numeracy: Where to from here?, External Partnerships:, The Cecil Voice , Learning partnerships with parents and carers, HPGE: Supporting all students across all the domains of potential
Future citizens, Future leaders What is the NSW Premier's Reading Challenge?, How many books do students need to read?, Literacy in Action
Finding Freedom at Cecil Celebration of Refugee Week at Cecil, With a focus on family
NSW School of Languages Offering a broad range of language choices
Uniform Shop Uniform Shop  will be open on Monday, 22 July 2024 from 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm., School resumes for all students on Tuesday, 23 July 2024

Published by Cecil Hills High School