OLF School News

"To love and serve under your protection"

OLF School News - Week 2, Term 4 - 2023 · 20 Oct 2023

In this issue

News from our Principal Kindergarten 2024 , Parent Fundraising Dinner
School Events Parent Calendar
Parent Fundraising Dinner Parent Fundraising Dinner
News from our Assistant Principal MEG Languages  Mandarin Parent Survey, Student Attendance , The New Mathematics K- 6 Syllabus Implementation
Religious Education October - the month of the Rosary, Year 6 Religious Education Test, The Sacrament of Reconciliation, Save the date!!
Student Newsletter
Exciting OLF News  Year 2 Mercy Value - Stewardship  'Kick-Off' for Charity, Beautiful welcome for our new chicks at OLF! , Our OLF Subpod
Family and Faith Mass to Welcome our 2024 New Kindergarten Families     , Fatima Friends - Term 4: ,  Gingerbread House Kits: NEW DATE!
Wellbeing Peer Support News, Swap it School - Health and Wellbeing Choices
Sport News Conference 3 Touch Football Trials, Conference 3 Basketball Trials, Conference 3 AFL Trials, OLF Swimming Carnival 
Diverse Learning Help me stop my son stop from hitting, slapping and kicking!, Why is he doing it?, When boys muck up, Check your expectations, Why boys often play rough, The link between environment and stress behaviour, What else can help?
From the Office School Hats, Automate Payment
SPBL Awards Be safe, Be respectful, Be a learner, CONGRATULATIONS TO:, SPBL - What does it mean? 
OSHC and OLF Preschool
News from our Secondary Pathway schools New Eastern Shire Catholic Education Precinct , Years 7 - 12 Girls:  Our Lady of Mercy College, Burraneer, Years 7-12 Boys:  De La Salle College, Caringbah, Year 7-12 Co-Educational:  St Aloysius College, Cronulla (2024)

Published by Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Primary School