News from 

our Principal 

 Mrs Sue Clay

Dear Parents,


I hope this newsletter finds you in good health and high spirits. As Term 4 takes hold and gathers momentum it is important that we take the time to reflect and be grateful for the year we have had. We still have a number of events and opportunities to celebrate and acknowledge learning before the end of the year. 


Please take note of a summary of most of the events planned for the term in the link below.


Last week I was invited to an assembly at De La Salle College and spoke to the boys about two of my passions; the importance of reading and being a curious learner. 


I shared with them our theme of being “curious learners” and what it means to us at OLF. It has driven within us the desire to learn, to ask questions, explore, and to be curious about the world around us. It has meant embracing the joy of discovery. I talked about the world we live in that constantly challenges us to innovate, adapt, and understand, about how being curious learners and cultivating a love for reading are not just skills; they are superpowers that can shape your future and empower you to achieve greatness.

I encouraged the boys at De La Salle to embrace their curiosity and let it be the engine that propels them forward. Ask why, how, and what if. Never stop questioning, for it is in questioning that we unravel many secrets. It is also in being curious, asking questions and not being judgemental, where we can promote empathy, tolerance, and acceptance in our interactions with others and the world. I was able to be reflective and proud of the students at OLF who have shown curiosity, respect, kindness and gratitude in so many ways throughout the year. 


I acknowledge and thank you for your continued support throughout the year. Working together, we can continue to make this final term curious, successful and memorable for our students.


If you have any questions or concerns concerning your child, please do not hesitate to contact the school office or your child's teacher. 

Kindergarten 2024 

On Tuesday next week our Kindergarten students for 2024 and their parents will begin their Orientation sessions in preparation for starting school next year. We are looking forward to meeting them as they prepare for this exciting time in their lives. 


Please keep these families in your prayers as they begin the countdown to starting school!  

Parent Fundraising Dinner

Time is running out to purchase your tickets to this wonderful event organised by parents for parents.  Great prizes and a fun night to be had whilst supporting your school.  The funds raised will go directly to benefit the students in the form of much needed playground improvements and classroom resources.


Book here:








Mrs Sue Clay | Principal