Newport Lakes Primary School

The vision of Newport Lakes Primary School is to develop students that are resilient, responsible, respectful and compassionate within a safe and nurturing environment. We provide a rigorous educational program that empowers students to excel, take action and become life long learners. We believe all students can learn and as members of diverse communities we can make a difference to the world around us. 

Issue 10 · 20 Jun 2024

In this issue

Principal Report Building Fund & Library Fund Donations  - Tax Deductible Donations
Learning Focus Vocabulary
Whole School News Working Bee - THIS WEEKEND!! , Coffee Catch-Up Allihaq bialqahwa , Student Disco Fundraiser - Let's get this party started!, Mindful Wednesday Mornings!, Junior School Council News, School Production! SAVE THE DATE
Year Level News Foundation News, Year 3 News, Drama/Music News, School Production SAVE THE DATE!
Wellbeing @ NLPS Mindful Wednesday Mornings
NLPS Parents Club Parent Club Meetings -  All Welcome TONIGHT, Vice President Office Bearer Role Open for Nominations, 2024 Event Dates,  Working Bee Day - Saturday 22nd June, 2024 Student Disco Fundraiser - Let’s get this party started!, Milo Mornings , Professional Child Expert Information Sessions , The Great Book Swap - Wednesday 21st August, Father’s Day Sausage Sizzle  , Bake & Second Hand Uniform Sale, 2025 NLPS Twilight Fete , You can contact Parents Club at any time via our  email 
School Dates & Events  2024 School Dates & Events , 2025 Foundation Enrolments, Assembly Dates , 2024 Term Dates, 2024 Curriculum (Pupil Free) Days, 2024 School Council Meetings, Parent Club Meetings - All welcome, Public Holidays 2024
Parent Information Notifying Student Absences , Parent Contact Details, Have your family circumstances changed?, School Communication Channels, School Office, Contacting Teachers, Medication at School Form, Uniform Supplier, Lunch Orders - Change to Ordering App, Before and After School Care, Bookings can be made here
Community Corner Check out 'What's On' this month for lots of free family friendly activities in our local community., Support Services

Published by Newport Lakes Primary School