School Dates & Events 

Excursions, Incursions, Assemblies, Term Dates, Curriculum Days & Public Holidays

2024 School Dates & Events 

Please also refer to the Compass Calendar & Compass Events for more real-time information and to complete any payments and consents.



  • Friday 21st  -  Virtual Assembly 2:30pm
  • Saturday 22nd  -  Working Bee
  • Monday 24th  -  Coffee Catch Up alqahwat allihaq 2:30-3:15pm in the Staffroom
  • Wednesday 26th  -  Student Disco
  • Friday 28th  -  Last Day of Term 2 (Students dismissed at 2:15pm)
  • Friday 28th  -  F2F (TBC) Assembly 1:30pm


  • Monday 15th  -  Term 3 Commences
  • Tuesday 16th  -  VHAP English Commences
  • Friday 19th  -  Foundation Fire Ed 
  • Monday 22nd  -  VHAP Maths Commences
  • Monday 22nd  -  Parent Club Meeting 7pm MPR 
  • Tuesday 23rd  -  Raising Boys with Steve Biddulph's Movie Event
  • Friday 26th  -  Foundation Fire Ed 
  • Monday 29th to August 2nd - Science Week
  • Tuesday 30th  -  Maths Olympiad & Explorer


  • Friday 2nd  -  Principal's Day
  • Monday 12th  -  AUSLAN Author Visit (tbc)
  • Tuesday 13th  -  AUSLAN Author Visit (tbc)
  • Wednesday 14th  -  AUSLAN Author Visit (tbc)
  • Thursday 15th  -  AUSLAN Author Visit (tbc)
  • Friday 16th  -  AUSLAN Author Visit (tbc)
  • Monday 19th to 23rd  -  Book Week & Book Fair 
  • Tuesday 20th  -  Yr 5/6 Author Visit 
  • Wednesday 21st  -  Book Week Parade 9:15am
  • Wednesday 21st  -  The Great Book Swap (tbc)
  • Thursday 22nd  -  F-2 Author Visit 
  • Friday 23rd  -  Yr 3&4 Author Visit 
  • Friday 30th  -  Fathers Day Sausage Sizzle (tbc)


  • Tuesday 3rd  -  Maths Olympiad & Explorer
  • Thursday 12th  -  School Production
  • Friday 13th  -  Curriculum Day
  • Friday 20th  -  Second Hand Uniform & Bake Sale (tbc)
  • Friday 20th  -  F2F Assembly 1:30pm
  • Friday 20th  -  Last day of Term 3 (students dismissed at 2:15pm)


  • Monday 7th  -  Term 4 Commences
  • Monday 21st -  F -2 Swimming (tbc)
  • Tuesday 22nd  -  F -2 Swimming (tbc)
  • Wednesday 23rd  -  F -2 Swimming (tbc)
  • Thursday 24th  -  F -2 Swimming (tbc)
  • Friday 25th  -  F -2 Swimming (tbc)
  • Friday 25th  -  World Teachers Day
  • Monday 28th  - F -2 Swimming (tbc)
  • Tuesday 29th -  F -2 Swimming (tbc)
  • Wednesday 30th  -  F -2 Swimming (tbc)
  • Thursday 31st  -  F -2 Swimming (tbc)


  • Friday 1st  -  F -2 Swimming (tbc)
  • Monday 4th  -  CURRICULUM DAY - NO SCHOOL
  • Tuesday 5th  -  Melbourne Cup Public Holiday - NO SCHOOL
  • Monday 11th  -  Remembrance Day
  • Monday 11th  -  Year 5/6 Camp Depart (tbc)
  • Monday 11th  -  Foundation Science Incursion (tbc)
  • Wednesday 13th  -  Yr 5/6 Camp Return (tbc)


  • Tuesday 10th  -  Year 7 Transition day (Government Schools) 
  • Friday 20th  -  F2F Assembly at 12:30pm (tbc)
  • Friday 20th  -  Last day of term 4 (students dismissed at 1:15pm)

2025 Foundation Enrolments

We would like to remind families that enrolment for Foundation 2025 is required by Friday 26th July 2024. 

If you have a sibling of a student that attends here already, or know of families within our zoned community that have a child due to start school next year please remind them to get their enrolments in so we can plan for 2025 with confidence.  


Enrolment forms are attached below or are available from Compass, the front office or on the school website - here

Assembly Dates 

Assemblies will now be held on a Friday at 2:30pm over a 3 week roster alternating between face-to-face, virtual and no assembly (excluding end of term/year). Virtual assembly links will be sent out via Compass. 

 Please Note - Assembly format subject to change at any time 

  • Friday 21st June - Virtual Assembly
  • Friday 28th June - Face to Face (End of Term 1:30pm)

2024 Term Dates

  • Term 1    -  Monday 29th January to Thursday 28th March  -  (2:15pm Dismissal)
  • Term 2    -  Monday 15th April to Friday 28th June  -  (2:15pm Dismissal)
  • Term 3    -  Monday 15th July to Friday 20th September  -  (2:15pm Dismissal)
  • Term 4    -  Monday 7th October to Friday 20th December  -  (1:15pm Dismissal)

On the last day of Term 1, 2 and 3 all students in the school will be dismissed at 2:15pm. Students will be dismissed at 1:15pm at the end of Term 4.

2024 Curriculum (Pupil Free) Days

  • Monday 29th January
  • Tuesday 30th January
  • Monday 27th May
  • Friday 13th September
  • Monday 4th November

2024 School Council Meetings

Meetings to run from 6:30-8:00 pm unless otherwise stated.

  • Monday 6th May (face to face)
  • Monday 17th June (online)
  • Monday 29th July (online)
  • Monday 9th September (online)
  • Monday 21st October (face to face)
  • Monday 25th November (face to face)

Parent Club Meetings - All welcome

All meetings will be held in the MPR at 7pm unless otherwise stated. All parents & carers are welcome to attend. 

  • Thursday 20th June
  • Monday 22nd July
  • Wednesday 28th August
  • Thursday 12th September (tbc)
  • Wednesday 23rd October
  • Tuesday 19th November

Public Holidays 2024

  • Australia Day                    Friday 26th January
  • Labour Day                       Monday 11th March
  • Good Friday                      Friday 29th March
  • Easter Saturday               Saturday 30th March
  • Easter Sunday                  Sunday 31 March
  • Easter Monday                 Monday 1st April
  • Anzac Day                         Thursday 25th April
  • King’s Birthday                 Monday 10th June
  • Friday before AFL GF     TBA
  • Melbourne Cup                Tuesday 5th November
  • Christmas Day                  Wednesday 25th December
  • Boxing Day                        Thursday 26th December