St Raphael's School

Issue 13 · 18 Aug 2021

In this issue

Principal News Remote Online Learning Parent Survey, Skoolbag Communication, National Book Week, Whole School Assembly
RE News Praying Together, Change of Date:Sacrament of First Eucharist                   Sunday 7th November 2021, Whole School Assembly- , Friday 20th August @1pm Via Zoom
Literacy Let's Read Together, Let's Write Together
Mathematics Endless Opportunities, Challenging Tasks
Student Wellbeing Lockdown Fatigue and Wellbeing , SCHOOL TV, Andrew Fuller, Wellbeing Information, Activities and Ideas @ Home 
Learning Diversity COVID 19 and Autism 
Foundation News Remote Learning , Reading, Writing, Maths-The Sequence for Developing the Addition Concept, Wellbeing Wednesday, Important Dates, Week 7 & 8 Remote Learning Timetable, Week 7 & 8 Learning Intentions, Staff Contacts
Year 1/2 News Celebration of Home Online Learning, Welcome Miss Tune!, Welcome Miss Slattery!, Year 1/2 Remote Learning Changes, Week 7 & 8 Learning Intentions, Important Dates, Staff Contacts
Year 3/4 News Remote Learning, Writing, PBL, Weekly Clinic Timetable, Week 7 & 8 Timetables, Week 7 & 8 Learning Intentions , Important Dates, Staff Contacts
Year 5/6 News  Literacy , Maths - Protractor Needed, Problem Based Learning (PBL) , Remote Learning Changes, Weekly Timetable, Week 7 & 8 Learning Intentions, Upcoming Dates, Staff Contact Details
SPICE Connecting Online
Library News CBCA BOOK WEEK , Categories
Physical Education This Week's Focus, Inter School Sport
Science Education
Visual Arts Lockdown Activities, Did you know drawing can help your memory!, Upload your specialist activities this week
Student Birthdays Birthdays
Community News ACADEMY- Mary Immaculate College, Teeth on Wheels, Parade College News, Santa Maria College Enrolments
Uniform Shop
Dates to Remember Term 3/2021, Term 4/ 2021

Published by St Raphael's School