Year 1/2 News

Celebration of Home Online Learning
The Year 1/2 teachers have been incredibly proud of the resilience, hard work and persistence all Year 1/2 students have shown during home online learning over the past few weeks. Despite the challenges of learning from home, the children have engaged positively with their learning tasks, and have produced some impressive work!
We would like to celebrate the learning that is taking place at home by sharing some fantastic pieces of work with you. We have seen some excellent descriptive writing, creativity in the measurement of length and area, and responses to our reading texts.
We are very grateful to the Year 1/2 parents for their ongoing support during home online learning. Thank you for helping us and your children participate in learning from home in what is a challenging time.
Welcome Miss Tune!
Hello everyone! I’m Phoebe and I am delighted to be the new 1/2 teacher in the St Raphael’s community! I have recently moved to Melbourne from Adelaide and outside of teaching I love painting, yoga, camping and being anywhere near a beach! I already feel so warmly welcomed by the St Raphael’s community and I am looking forward to getting to know you all better over the rest of the year.
Welcome Miss Slattery!
The Year 1/2 teachers and students are very lucky to have Miss Slattery joining Miss Frazer as a pre-service teacher for 4 weeks. Miss Slattery is a very experienced pre-service teacher who spent time with Ms U in Foundation earlier this year, and has returned to St Raph's to support the Year 1/2s. Thank you in advance for all the amazing work you will do in 1/2. We are very excited to support you on your journey to being a teacher. Welcome Miss Slattery!
Year 1/2 Remote Learning Changes
In response to the recent Remote Online Parent Survey, as a staff we have analysed the results, feedback and recommendations on how we can improve the remote online learning experience for the children and parents.
In each year level we have looked at the specific feedback relating to our level and as a result, we will be implementing some changes to the timetable commencing tomorrow, Thursday 19th August. Some of these changes include an optional Working Support Zoom between 10-11am (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday). Feedback will also change to be given to students twice a week.
We are also introducing ‘social’ breakout groups as part of student wellbeing (with teacher supervision). We encourage children to connect with their friends and these zooms will be open for a small period of time on Thursday and Friday at 2:30pm (Please check the Daily Tasks for the groupings as they will change weekly).
We value your continued support during this period.
Week 7 & 8 Learning Intentions
Important Dates
Book Week - Monday 23rd Aug - Friday 27th Aug
Staff Contacts
Jackie Moloney
Melanie Pizzonia
Bella Sullivan-Barry
Paige Frazer
Phoebe Tune
Please note, we will respond to emails Monday to Friday, between the hours of 8am- 5pm