Year 3/4 News

Remote Learning
It is hard to believe that we are already in Week 6 and halfway through Term 3! We are proud of our students' resilience and engagement during home online learning. It has been great to see everyone's faces during the morning zoom and their continued commitment to their learning in challenging circumstances.
A reminder to continue checking the daily timetable and attending clinics and uploading work each day.
In Writing over the last two weeks, students have been focusing on writing formal & informal letters. Students have been exploring common elements found in letters and have written a range of letters to communicate with others.
Our most recent activity -
Imagine that you have been voted the student leader of your homeroom.
At the recent class meeting, two main issues were discussed -
1. Computer games are educational and should be used in the classroom
2. Weekends should be three days long
Your task is to decide which topic you believe is the most important and write a persuasive letter to Mr Howard, convincing him that action SHOULD be taken on the topic you have chosen.
Here are some examples of persuasive (formal) letters:
The students are currently focusing on Geography for PBL this term and are looking at designing their own Olympic facility. They are in the initial stage of understanding what needs to be considered when constructing an Olympic venue, whether that be disability access, footpaths, entrances, seating or what it could be used for. They will also need to consider what the facility will be used for after the Olympic games. Last week, the students had a guest speaker come and speak to them over zoom, her name was Nicole Brown. She is a structural engineer who works for Engineers Australia and explained to
the students what she does and what she would consider when building a facility.
Here are some examples of the beginning of some students presentations:
Weekly Clinic Timetable
Please find attached the Year 3/4 Clinic Timetable for when clinics will be run over the course of the week. Please refer to the Daily Timetables for your child's day, time and clinic teacher as these can change for Maths. Support Zooms have been added to the timetable to help with the completion of work or to clarify any questions. These clinics are not compulsory. We have added some social zooms to encourage children to connect with their friends. These zooms will be open for half an hour and supervised by teachers. Fun Friday Zooms will have some games and activities. Working Support Zooms will start tomorrow.
Week 7 & 8 Timetables
Week 7 & 8 Learning Intentions
Important Dates
Whole School Assembly - Friday 20th August
Book Week - 21st - 27th August
Father's Day - Sunday 5th September
Staff Contacts
Belinda Hirschauer -
Kaitlyn McMillan -
Lauren Bell -
Annie McNaughton -
Please note, we will respond to emails Monday to Friday, between the hours of 8am-5pm.