Visual Arts

Contact Details: Allanah Sarafian -

"What you create does not have to be perfect... it just has to BE." - Ms.Sarafian
My big artwork
Original drawing
The tufting gun
My big artwork
Original drawing
The tufting gun

I have been keeping busy at home by making this big textile piece to hang in the art classroom. It's made from wool that's "tufted" into a piece of white fabric. It's about 1 meter wide. I hope it will remind you AND me that what we make doesn't have to be perfect! 

Lockdown Activities

Greetings! I hope everyone is staying healthy and (trying to stay) sane at home. Here a few activities to help keep your creative juices flowing.:

Did you know drawing can help your memory!

Upload your specialist activities this week

Please upload a photo of your specialist tasks this week. Foundation and Year 1/2 have a new topic called "Specialists" in their Google Classroom. This is where all their Specialist tasks can be found for Online Learning. Please upload the specialist tasks into the assignment titled Art, Science or P.E.

The 3/4s and 5/6s can find their Art and Science activities in the dedicated specialist google classrooms as usual.  Their P.E activities can be found in their year level's Google Classroom under the topic "Specialists".