Salvado Catholic College eNewsletter

Peace. Justice. Compassion.

Term 2, Week 11 · 28 Jun 2024

In this issue

A Message from the Principal
Mission & Faith Life St Benedict Feast Day (11 July), Thank you! , Feast Days, Pope Francis on the Importance of Rest, Pope Francis' Monthly Prayer Intention
Important Dates Week 11, Week 1, Week 2
College Notices Semeter One Interim Reports, Trash Free Tuesday, Plastic Free July, Education Minister's Running Challenge, Student Medication, Book Fair, Premier's Reading Challenge 2024, Keyed Up Music Enrolments
Early Years News "When I Grow Up" Dress-Up Day, Early Years Open Afternoon, Early Years Update
Junior School News Face-Painting Practice, Junior School Update
Middle School News Career Taster Program, Excursion to Bibra Lake Wetlands, Outdoor Education Excursion, End of Term Two Wrap-Up, Semester One Interim Reports, Looking Ahead to Term Three, Holiday Wishes
Senior School News Year Ten Careers Expo , Year Ten PBF Road Safety Presentation , Creative Edge , Save the Dates , A big ‘Thank You’ 
Sport News Secondary School Athletics Carnival, Primary Inter-House Cross Country Carnival, Primary Inter-School Cross Country, John Bosco Challenge
Student Wellbeing What Can We Do Today?, Support Services
Salvado Playgroup Join the Salvado Playgroup
Friends of Salvado Cookie Dough Fundraiser , Subway Orders for Secondary Athletics Carnival, Call for Volunteers
Canteen Canteen Menu, Management of Canteen Orders
Uniform Shop Wet Weather Jackets, Uniform Shop Hours (Term Time), Refund & Exchange Procedures 
Parish News Parish Details, Parish Bulletins
Public Service Announcement Byford Rail Extension - Eleventh Road Closure
Community Corner NAIDOC Week Celebration, Ascend Dance Academy, Byford Futsal Holiday Camp, Junior Engineers Holiday Program, NGALA - Free Parenting Line, Communicare Parenting Workshops, Graffiti Awareness
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