A Message from 

the Principal

Dear Parents and Carergivers, 


Thank you to everyone for a wonderful Term Two and to those who positively and actively advocate for our College and the amazing staff. So much has been achieved, no wonder  we  are  all tired. We have had a respectful ANZAC Day ceremony,  Primary Parent Teacher Meetings, Cross Country Carnivals, Excursions and Incursions as well as Inter-school carnivals and much more! 


This Term, we have had a lot of illness and staff absence. Like all organisations, labour shortages are an issue for us too. Please know that when your child’s educators are 

absent, we do our best to provide relief cover. However, sometimes this means we have to collapse our support or specialist timetables in the primary years and reallocate  those staff members, or sometimes the Heads of School, to teach classes.


As you will also be aware the world is a very different place since COVID and schools are no different. We are seeing a rise in the number of students with complex issues. It is not unusual for a class to have 5 or 6 children with additional needs, and this is on top of the  normal daily needs of students in a class of 30 to 32 students. There is also an increase in  parental anxiety which is impacting our staff with some unrealistic expectations being  placed on them.


Teaching is an intense, demanding job. If we want highly trained professionals prepared to inspire, nurture, teach and develop our children and our children’s children, we need  to  support our teachers. As the Principal of Salvado Catholic College I am always asking and considering, how can I support my staff, so that they are focussing on teaching and learning and not burning out.


As parents concerned about our children getting quality education, it is within our power 

to support our teachers and our schools. At the very least, we can take responsibility for 

not adding to the problem. We need not just to be kind, but to demonstrate respect and  gratitude for our teachers, their expertise, and their capacity to make good decisions in 

the interests of our children. 


We should consider the broader context of a teacher already working overtime to educate students and whether our request/demand is warranted, fair or constructive. We should consider supporting school disciplinary strategies designed to deliver consequences for the inappropriate and disruptive behaviour of students.


We should consider whether we would tell a pilot how to fly a plane, a surgeon how to  conduct an operation or a CEO how to run their business. Teachers are highly trained, well-educated professionals who are fast becoming an endangered species. How we  treat them matters.


Staffing Matters 

The following staff will be concluding their time at Salvado Catholic College at the end of this term, we thank them for all they have done for the College and our students.

  • Mrs Mary Tierney-Dusenberg, EAL/D Coordinator
  • Ms Megan Miller - HASS Teacher Secondary
  • Ms Desiree Lange - Learning Area Coordinator: English
  • Mrs Siobhan Young - College Accountant

The following staff will be joining  the Salvado community at the commencement of Term Three, we warmly welcome them to Salvado Catholic College.

  • Mr Evano de Pontes -  Mathematics & Careers
  • Mrs Kathleen Davey - Work Place Learning Coordinator 

Mrs Kahlene Robinson, Educational Assistant, will also be on Long-Service-Leave for Term Three replaced by Mrs Julie Johnson.


Finally, I hope that everyone has a restful, relaxing and enjoyable break and look forward to seeing everyone back on Monday 15 July. 


Peace & Goodness to all,

Ian Hagen
