Senior School News

Year 10

Year Ten Careers Expo 


On Friday June 21, Year 10 students attended the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale Career & Enterprise Expo. This was an informative event which provided students with authentic opportunities to explore their career options. With Year Ten students shortly to make important 2025 subject selection decisions, this event was placed at an opportune time for our community. 


Year Ten PBF Road Safety Presentation 

Year Ten students have been participating in the Keys4Life pre-driver education program. As part of this program, on Monday June 24, Year Ten students learnt some valuable life lessons through witnessing a PBF Road Safety Presentation. 


Guest speaker Amy reflected on the trauma associated with losing a child to a road traffic accident. Her story was a raw, honest account of the horrors that can be experienced on our roads.  Year Ten students were very respectful throughout this account and it was clear that they were moved by Amy's story. Some of them shared personal reflections with her afterwards, with Amy and fellow presenter Emma later commenting “we both wanted to say how fantastic your students were. They were enthusiastic and empathetic and we know that they will take away the messages we had to share.” 

Creative Edge 

From the commencement of next term, the College will again participate in the Creative Edge Challenge. Students from Years 7-10 with the highest mean scores across Religious Education, English, Mathematics, Science and Humanities and Social Science will be invited to represent the College in this prestigious event.  


Students who are invited to participate must be able to attend weekly after-school sessions and they must be available to represent the College at Curtin University on Saturday August 24. As places are strictly limited, if your child is invited to participate, it is very important that you consider his or her availability before committing to this event.

Save the Dates 

Parents are asked to make note of the following important Term Three dates: 

Thursday July 18 – 2025 Year 11 Subject Selection Evening 

Tuesday July 23 – Year 7-10 Parent Teacher Student Meetings. 

A big ‘Thank You’ 

An 11-week term is huge for students and their parents. There has certainly been a lot on for our Year Ten students. Thank you to all families for your support during the semester; have a wonderful holiday. 


Quote of the Week:

Choose a career you love and you will never have to go to work.

~ Denis Waitley


Mr Jason Meynell

Head of Senior School (Year 10)