Middle School News

Year 7 to Year 9

Career Taster Program


Fourteen Year 9 Careers students engaged in the state-wide initiative, The Careers Taster Program, by attending the Multi-Trade program conducted at Rockingham TAFE.


Students tried their hands at trades such as tiling, brick laying and gyprocking.

The students got to see what the trades were like by completing mini practical activities which will allow them to make decisions about their future ambitions.


The next Career Taster opportunity will be Hairdressing at Murdoch TAFE Campus in Term 3.

~ Mr Luke Johns

Excursion to Bibra Lake Wetlands

The Year 9 students recently embarked on an enlightening excursion to the Bibra Lake Wetlands Centre, an adventure that combined the beauty of nature with the thrill of scientific discovery. This unique field trip provided students with the opportunity to explore the wetland ecosystem up close, enhancing their understanding of biology and environmental science through hands-on activities.


Upon arrival, students were welcomed by the centre’s knowledgeable staff, who introduced them to the diverse flora and fauna that inhabit the wetlands. The excitement was palpable as students prepared to venture onto the boardwalk, a pathway that winds through the heart of the wetlands, offering a perfect vantage point to observe the vibrant ecosystem.


As the group walked along the boardwalk, they were encouraged to take in the sights and sounds of the wetlands. Birds soared overhead, their calls echoing across the water, while below, the water surface shimmered with the movements of various aquatic creatures. This immersive experience allowed students to appreciate the intricate interdependence of the wetland’s inhabitants and their environment.

The highlight of the day was the fieldwork activity, where students had the chance to don their scientist hats and engage in real-world ecological research. Armed with collection kits, they gathered water samples from different parts of the wetland. These samples would later be analysed to identify the macroinvertebrates living within them, providing valuable insights into the health and biodiversity of the ecosystem.


Back at the wetlands centre, students eagerly examined their samples under microscopes. Guided by the staff, they identified various macroinvertebrates, such as water beetles, dragonfly nymphs, and freshwater shrimp. Each discovery was met with excitement and curiosity, as students learned to recognise the characteristics and roles of these tiny but vital organisms in the wetland habitat.

This hands-on investigation not only enhanced their scientific skills but also fostered a deeper appreciation for the importance of wetlands in maintaining ecological balance. Students gained firsthand experience in field research techniques, data collection, and species identification—skills that are foundational for budding scientists.


In addition to the scientific benefits, the excursion to Bibra Lake Wetlands offered students a chance to connect with nature, inspiring a sense of stewardship and responsibility towards environmental conservation. The experience underscored the importance of protecting such natural habitats for future generations.

~ Mrs Christy Thomas

Outdoor Education Excursion

On Wednesday, 19 June, the Year 9 Outdoor Education students embarked on an excursion to the Manjedal Activity Centre. Throughout the day, they engaged in various activities designed to build teamwork and confidence. The students had the opportunity to test their skills, particularly in navigation, applying what they have learned in terms of map reading and compass use.

~ Mr Brodie Fiegert

End of Term Two Wrap-Up

Term Two has concluded as it began, with a flurry of activity and student engagement. Our students have participated in a variety of activities, including weekly Wellbeing Wednesdays, Career Taster Programs, a Careers Expo, Outdoor Education and Science excursions, and pre-athletics carnival events during lunchtimes. We extend our gratitude to all staff members who organised and facilitated these events, contributing to the holistic development of our students.

Semester One Interim Reports

The 2024 Semester One Interim Reports will be uploaded to SEQTA today. These reports provide valuable feedback to students and their parents/caregivers regarding academic performance in various subjects. Most of this information should already be familiar, as it has been available on SEQTA throughout the term. Additionally, the Term One Progress Report can be referenced to assess progress towards any previously set goals. These reports can be further discussed during the Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews scheduled for Tuesday, 23 July.

Looking Ahead to Term Three

Next term offers an excellent opportunity for students to focus on improving their performance in any areas of need. Students are encouraged to reflect and set new goals, challenging themselves to reach their level of excellence. As educators and pastoral carers, we remain committed to supporting our students in their quest for personal and academic growth while keeping their long-term interests in mind.

Holiday Wishes

We hope the school holidays provide our students and families with a chance to rest, renew, and have fun. The Term Three calendar is filled with challenges and opportunities that will ensure another busy and productive period as we progress through the second half of the year.



Mr Brendan McGrath 

Head of Middle School (Year 7 to Year 9)