2023 Senior School Handbook
2023 · 04 Jun 2018
In this issue
Principal's Welcome
Support for Students
Student Assemblies - Student Participation , Extra Curricular Activities, Managed Individual Pathways
Who Can Help?
The Unit/Subject Teacher, The Learning Area Leader, The Wellbeing Centre, Your Wellbeing Teacher, Year Level Leaders, The Careers Leader
Year 10
Year 10 Information
The Year 10 Program, Wellbeing, Pathway Planning, Guidelines for Year 10 Students Who Wish To Undertake VCE/VET Units
Year 10 Science
Science at Year 10, Biology (Single Semester), Chemistry (Single Semester), Physics (Single Semester), Psychology (Single Semester), Environmental Issues and Actions (Single Semester)
Year 10 Arts
Dance (Single Semester), Drama (Single Semester), Music (Single Semester), Media (Single Semester), Visual Communication & Design (Single Semester), Event Management (Single Semester), Visual Art (Single Semester)
Year 10 English
Semester 1, Students choose one elective for Semester 1:, Murder Mystery, Literary Classics, Talking Back, True Stories, English Language, Dangerous Women, Semester 2, Core English, Semesters 1 and 2, English as an Additional Language (EAL)
Year 10 Mathematics
Mathematics Pathway Options, Advanced Mathematics 1 & 2 - Semester 1 & 2, Mainstream Mathematics 1 & 2 - Semester 1 & 2, Practical Mathematics 1 & 2 - Semester 1 & 2, Consumer Mathematics 1 - Semester 1 or 2
Year 10 Technology
Costume Design (Single Semester), Jewellery Design (Single Semester), Year 10 Textile Design (Single Semester) , Food For Life (Single Semester)
Year 10 Humanities
Myths and Legends (Single Semester), Economics (Single Semester), Refugees, Rights & Radical Regimes (Single Semester), Explosive Decades (Single Semester), International Studies (Single Semester), Misdemeanours & Retributions (Single Semester), Philosophy: The Meaning of Life (Single Semester)
Year 10 Health & PE
IEP: Introduction to Exercise Physiology (Single Semester), SAMS: Sports Action Management (Single Semester), YLYC: Your Life, Your Choice (Single Semester), OE: Outdoor Education (Single Semester)
Year 10 Languages
French (Semester 1 & 2), Chinese (Semester 1 & 2)
Year 10 Cross Disciplinary
Digital Worlds (Single Semester), Extended Investigation (Single Semester)
VCE Studies
Curriculum Structure, VCE Subjects available, Unit 3 & 4 Acceleration
VCE/VET/VM Programs
What do I have to do to get my VCE?, VET Programs, VCE – Vocational Major ( for Yr 11 2023 students only and Yr 12 students 2024) , Attendance Requirements, How Do I Gain Tertiary Entry?
External Subjects
Victorian School of Languages, Virtual School Victoria and College of Adult Education, CHES: Centre for Higher Education Studies
Language and VCE
Do I qualify for English as an Additional Language (EAL)?, Language Studies and the ATAR, Enrolment in Study of Language - Second Language
VCE Assessment
How do I satisfactorily complete a unit?, Assessment of Units 1 and 2, Assessment of Units 3 and 4, School Assessment, VCE Assessment Protocols: School Assessed Coursework & Tasks, Approved Absences , Dictionaries, Absences , Late Work, Study Scores, Special Provision for Unit 3 and 4 Studies
VCE Subject Selection
VCE Program at MGC
Glossary of Terms
Appeal, Assessment, ATAR, Attendance, Authentication, Breach of Rules, Candidate Numbers, Change of Name and/or Address, Deadlines, Delay of Decision on Satisfactory Completion of a Unit, Derived Examination Score, GAT, Grades, Learning Outcome, Lost or Damaged Work, Reports, Results, SAC, SAT, Special Provision, VCAA, VCE, VCE – VM , VET, VTAC, Key Dates
VCE English Studies
English, English as an Additional Language, English Language, Literature , 7th Period English Studies at VCE, VCE Vocational Major English
VCE Mathematics
Year 11, Year 12, Options for Year 12, General Mathematics, General Mathematics, Mathematical Methods , Specialist Mathematics , VCE Vocational Major Mathematics, Unit 1 , Unit 2
VCE Arts
Dance, Drama, Media, Music Performance, VCE MUSIC , Art: Making and Exhibiting (PREVIOUSLY STUDIO ARTS), Visual Communication Design
VCE Science
Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Psychology, Environmental Science
VCE Technology Studies
Design Technology, Product Design & Technology, Food Studies, Digital Technology, Applied Computing
VCE Humanities
Australian and Global Politics, Twentieth Century History and History Revolutions, Sociology, Philosophy, Business Economic Studies, Accounting, Business Management, Legal Studies
VCE Languages
French, Chinese (Second Language), Chinese (First Language)
VCE Health & PE
Health & Human Development, Outdoor & Environmental Studies, Physical Education
VCE Vocational Major
As well as VM English and Maths, VM students study these two specific VM subjects:, Work Related Skills Units 1-2, Personal Development Skills Units 1-2
What is VET?, Why Choose a VET Program?, VCE VET Studies, Program Delivery and Costs, Year 10/11 VET Programs
Career Opportunities
VCE Study Designs, Important Careers Notes, What is a VCE Pathway?, Why Do We Have Pathways?, How Do I Keep "My Options" Open?
VCE Pathways
Engineering/Computing, Science, Environmental Science, Accounting/Business/Commerce, Human Services, Travel/Tourism, Visual & Performing Arts, Humanities, Catering/Food, Design Based Courses, Any Other Pathways
Links and Resources
Universities, Tafe Colleges, Resources
Published by Melbourne Girls' College