Glossary of Terms
This is just a brief introduction to the language of the senior school. More details will be progressively given throughout the year by the Year Level Leader, the Careers Coordinator and other members of staff
There are several avenues open for students to appeal about their results, decisions made and penalties. So many in fact, that if you feel you have some grounds to appeal then you should see the Year 12 Level Leader.
There are two forms of school assessment, school assessed coursework (SAC) and school assessed tasks (SAT). The form or forms of school assessment and their weighting is specified for each study.
Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR). The overall ranking on a scale of zero to 99.95 that a student receives based on his/her study scores. The ATAR is calculated by VTAC and used by universities and TAFE institutes to select students for courses.
Students are expected to attend all classes. Students should bring a note/medical certificate from home for any absence. Students absent on days of School Assessed coursework must supply a correctly dated medical certificate.
Teachers and students have to state that the work submitted is the student's work and that no copying or cheating has occurred. The easiest way to safeguard this area is for students to be at school, working in classes. In this way teachers can see the work in progress and know that the final product has been completed by the student.
Breach of Rules
The VCAA has a very dim view of students who break the rules that are given to each student when they enrol. A variety of penalties are applied, depending upon the situation.
Candidate Numbers
Each student is allocated a Candidate Number. This is very important, as it is the only form of identification written on SAT’s and exams. Students should write it down in several places, including their diary and folders.
Change of Name and/or Address
It is very important that the school and the VCAA know about any changes. Please inform the General Office and Year Level Leader immediately if any changes are to be made.
Students are expected to meet the deadlines for assignments. Issues affecting deadlines should be discussed with teachers.
Delay of Decision on Satisfactory Completion of a Unit
A long statement that basically says that sometimes work can be completed beyond the end of semester 1, under certain special circumstances. Hopefully this won't be necessary, but if necessary see either the Year 11 or Year 12 Year Level Leader.
Derived Examination Score
This provision is for students who are prevented from attending a Unit 3 & 4 examination, or whose performance on an exam is adversely affected as a result of illness, accident or some traumatic event occurring immediately before or during the exam. See the Year 12 Level Leader for details
The General Achievement Test is used to provide a consistent basis to compare students’ results on their School Assessed SAC’s. They are a method to hopefully ensure the SAC and SAT grades are a reflection of the student’s abilities.
SAC, SAT’s and exams are graded from A+ to E, depending on your level of performance on the task. Other grades that may be used are UG and NA. UG-means ungraded - your level was not up to the E standard; and NA means the work was not assessed - usually due to non-completion or non-submission.
Learning Outcome
Skills and knowledge student will achieve in the completion of a unit of study.
Lost or Damaged Work
Hopefully this won't occur. There are rules governing this situation, but the best thing to do is be in constant contact with the teacher about your progress. Students should keep all rough notes and drafts of essays, projects, etc. and ensure all work is named.
End of Semester reports will be issued indicating whether the student has satisfied the requirements of the unit (S/N), comments about their work and grades for all Assessment Tasks. Comments can be found on Compass under Learning Tasks. At the end of the year students will receive a statement of results from the VCAA, which states whether the student has successfully completed each unit that she has attempted.
The VCAA results are released in December.
· Is made up of a number of assessment tasks that are specified by the study design.
· Is used to assess the unit learning outcomes.
· Is part of the regular teaching and learning program.
· Is completed mainly in class time in a limited time frame.
A small number of studies will have school-assessed tasks (SATs). They are used in studies where products and models are to be assessed: Art, Media, Studio Arts, Food and Technology, Product Design and Technology and Visual Communication and Design.
Results of these school assessments will count towards your study score in each VCE study and ultimately towards your Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR).
Special Provision
The VCAA realises that sometimes things get in your way when studying - this includes physical or mental disabilities, illness, personal problems or other impairments. The best thing to do is immediately inform your Year Level Leader of the problem and discuss it with them. There are official forms and procedures to go through.
The VCAA is responsible for the administration and development of the VCE, as well as curriculum development for Primary and Year 7-10 students.
The Victorian Certificate of Education
The VCE Vocational Major is a 2-year vocational and applied learning program within the VCE.
Vocational Education and Training Programs
The Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre. VTAC looks after most enrolments into Victorian tertiary institutes, except when special entry applies (e.g. mature age, etc.), including Universities and TAFE Colleges. Students should check through the "Entry Requirements Booklet", available in the careers room, to ensure their VCE course satisfies the requirements for entry into their prospective Tertiary course.
Key Dates
- A curriculum information evening will be held for families in July prior to the subject selection process commencing.
- A Headstart Program will be conducted for Year 10 and 11 at the end of November/early December in each year. Students are expected to attend the Headstart Program designed for their year level.
- Students will confirm subjects in late November/early December and pay subject and services fees for the following year. Payment plans are available.
- Families can confirm dates on the MGC Calendar, Website and Compass.