VCE Technology Studies
Design Technology
Product Design & Technology
The design process is the central component of this study. The design process involves identification of a real need that is then articulated in a design brief. The need is investigated and informed by research to aid the development of solutions leading to functional end products. Development of these solutions engages students in creative design thinking, drawing and computer-aided design, testing processes and materials, planning, construction, and evaluation. Throughout the process students acquire and apply knowledge of factors that influence design and address the design factors relevant to their design situation. Increasingly, the importance of environmental sustainability is having an impact on product design and development. Students will be required to consider their use of materials and production processes from a sustainable viewpoint.
Unit 1 focuses on the analysis, modification and improvement of a product design with consideration to sustainability. Students will consider the sustainability of an existing product, such as the impact of sourcing materials, manufacture, distribution, use and likely disposal. They consider how a redeveloped product may solve a problem related to the original product. Where possible, materials and manufacturing processes used should be carefully selected to improve the overall sustainability of the redeveloped product. They compare their redeveloped product with the original design and evaluate it against the needs and requirements outlined in their design brief.
Unit 2 focuses on teamwork or collaborative design. Teamwork encourages communication between students and mirrors professional design practice where designers often work within a team to develop solutions to design problems. Students work as a member of a team to design a product range or contribute to the design, planning and production of a group product. Inspiration for the collaborative design will be inspired by historical and/or cultural design movements or styles.
Note: There is a fee associated with PDT1 & 2 of $140.00 per year.** Students will also be required to purchase some materials.
Unit 3 focuses on the design and development of a product that addresses a personal, local, or global problem (such as humanitarian issues), or meets the needs and wants of a potential end-user/s. Students identify specific needs of the end-user/s, prepare a design brief, devise evaluation criteria, research and develop design options. They will examine appropriate techniques for recording and communicating data, information, visualisation of ideas, design options and working drawings and obtaining end-user/s’ feedback. Students will use creative and critical design thinking techniques throughout the product design process. Students will use evaluation criteria and end-user/s’ feedback to select a design option justifying their informed selection of the preferred design. They will plan for their production, including: material testing/trials and selection; selecting suitable production processes, their sequence and a timeline; risk assessment; and quality measures.
Unit 4 students engage with an end-user/s to gain feedback throughout the process of production. They learn that evaluations need to be made at various points when designing and producing a product. In the role as a designer, students judge the suitability of design ideas and options referring to the design brief and evaluation criteria in collaboration with an end-user/s. They also look at design in a broader commercial context using comparative analysis and evaluation methods to make judgements about commercial product design and development. Using appropriate materials, tools, equipment, machines and processes students apply their skills to complete the product designed in Unit 3. Students evaluate the quality of their product with reference to criteria and end-user/s’ feedback and make judgements about possible improvements. They produce relevant user instructions or care labels that highlight the product’s features for an end-user/s.
Note: There is a fee associated with PDT3 & 4 of $140.00 per year.** Students will also be required to purchase some materials
Food Studies
Food Studies involves studying past and present patterns of eating, Australian and global food production systems and the many physical and social functions and roles of foods. Students will develop skills in planning, preparation and evaluation of food products.
FT1: FOOD ORIGINS In this unit students focus on food from historical and cultural perspectives and investigate the origins and roles of food through time and across the world. Students examine the progression from hunter-gatherer to agriculture to urban living and global food trade. Students investigate Australian Indigenous food and cuisines that are part of Australia’s culinary identity today and reflect on the concept of an Australian cuisine.
FT2: FOOD MAKERS In this unit students will analyse relationships, opportunities and challenges within Australia’s food systems, and respond to a design brief that produces a food product and demonstrates the application of commercial food production principles.
Note: There is a fee associated with FT1 & 2 of $290.00 per year.**
FT3: FOOD IN DAILY LIFE In this unit students will explore the process of eating and digesting food, including the utilisation of macronutrients. There is a focus on the Australian Dietary Guidelines and the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating. Students will analyse factors that affect food behaviours of individuals such as food access, values, beliefs and choices.
FT4: FOOD ISSUES, CHALLENGES AND FUTURES In this unit students explore issues about the environment, ethics and sustainability. Students will also evaluate food trends and fad diets and develop food knowledge and skills to empower consumers to make informed food choices.
Note: There is a fee associated with FT 3 & 4 of $260.00 per year.**
Digital Technology
Applied Computing
VCE Applied Computing focuses on the application of data analysis and programming using the framework of a problem-solving methodology as well as strategies and techniques for managing information systems in a range of contexts to create digital solutions that meet specific needs. An important component of the study is the opportunity for students to develop a shared understanding with regards to digital technology that enable cooperation and a cooperative approach to problem solving. VCE Computing provides students with opportunities to acquire and apply knowledge and skills to use digital systems efficiently and effectively when creating digital solutions both individually and as part of a network. Students investigate various product requirements from legal and ethical responsibilities to more particular requirements with respect to the security and integrity of data.
In this unit students are introduced to the stages of the problem-solving methodology. Students focus on how data can be used and interpreted within software tools such as databases and spreadsheets to create data visualisations, and the use of programming languages to develop working software solutions.
In Area of Study 1, as an introduction to data analytics, students respond to a teacher-provided analysis of requirements and designs to identify and collect data to present their findings as data visualisations. They present work that includes database, spreadsheet, and data visualisations solutions. In Area of Study 2 students use the programming language Python to create a working software solution. Students prepare, document and monitor project plans and engage in the problem-solving methodology.
In this area of study students use various tools to develop a digital solution in response to teacher-provided solution requirements. Students apply methods and techniques for creating a working software solution using a range of processing features and data structures. They apply testing and debugging techniques to ensure the software solution works as intended.
A project plan is prepared to support an organised approach to problem solving. Students use software to record the sequencing of tasks, time allocation, and milestones. They record and monitor the progress of their working solution throughout the stages of the problem-solving methodology.
Students apply computational and design thinking skills when preparing solution designs and transforming them into a working solution.
In this unit stream students apply the problem-solving methodology to identify and extract data through the use of software tools such as database, spreadsheet and data visualisation software to create data visualisations or infographics. Students develop an understanding of the analysis, design and development stages of the problem-solving methodology.
In this unit stream students examine the features and purposes of different design tools to accurately interpret the requirements and designs for developing working software modules. Students use a programming language (Python preferred) and undertake the problem-solving activities of manipulation programming, validation, testing and documentation in the development stage.